Dear All,<br><br>I tried to compile mpich 3.0.4 with intel compiler on SL6.4 x64 built on a cloud computing platform. It seems that the compilation completed. The make testing, however, reported that 1 tests failed out of 797 as:<br>
<br>...<br>Processing directory pt2pt<br>Looking in ./pt2pt/testlist<br>Unexpected output in sendflood: [mpiexec@cmaq-sl0] APPLICATION TIMED OUT<br>Unexpected output in sendflood: [proxy:0:0@cmaq-sl0] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (./pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:886): assert (!closed) failed<br>
Unexpected output in sendflood: [proxy:0:0@cmaq-sl0] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (./tools/demux/demux_poll.c:77): callback returned error status<br>Unexpected output in sendflood: [proxy:0:0@cmaq-sl0] main (./pm/pmiserv/pmip.c:206): demux engine error waiting for event<br>
Unexpected output in sendflood: [mpiexec@cmaq-sl0] HYDT_bscu_wait_for_completion (./tools/bootstrap/utils/bscu_wait.c:76): one of the processes terminated badly; aborting<br>Unexpected output in sendflood: [mpiexec@cmaq-sl0] HYDT_bsci_wait_for_completion (./tools/bootstrap/src/bsci_wait.c:23): launcher returned error waiting for completion<br>
Unexpected output in sendflood: [mpiexec@cmaq-sl0] HYD_pmci_wait_for_completion (./pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_pmci.c:188): launcher returned error waiting for completion<br>Unexpected output in sendflood: [mpiexec@cmaq-sl0] main (./ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:331): process manager error waiting for completion<br>
Program sendflood exited without No Errors<br>...<br><br>Does anyone have idea of solving this issue? Thanks in advance.<br><br>Lee<br>