from mpi4py import MPI import sys import time import numpy comm_to_function_wrapper = MPI.Comm.Get_parent() rank = comm_to_function_wrapper.Get_rank() size = comm_to_function_wrapper.Get_size() x_length = int(sys.argv[1]) # Initialize and receive the starting point from x = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(x_length)) comm_to_function_wrapper.Bcast(x,root=0) print x print "Starting! The function evaluation of x=%s was given %d ranks. I am rank %d." % (str(x),size,rank) local_y = (sum(x)**2)/size # Sum the numbers in x and divide by the number of ranks print local_y comm_to_function_wrapper.Reduce(local_y, None, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # Give the value back to print "Ending! The function evaluation of x=%s was given %d ranks. I am rank %d." % (str(x),size,rank) comm_to_function_wrapper.Disconnect()