[mpich-announce] Announcing the availability of OSHMPI 2.0b1

Si, Min msi at anl.gov
Sun Nov 11 16:04:09 CST 2018

We are pleased to announce the beta release of OSHMPI-2.0 (version 2.0b1), a portable OpenSHMEM implementation on top of MPI. It contains several key features.


A list of features:

- Full support of OpenSHMEM 1.4 specification.

- Function inline for all OSHMPI internal routines.

- Caching internal MPI communicators for collective operations with PE active set.

- OpenSHMEM multithreading safety support.

- Active message support of OpenSHMEM atomic operations. MPI accumulates cannot be directly used because MPI does not guarantee atomicity between different reduce operations.

- Optional asynchronous progress thread support for active message based atomic.

Details of each feature can be found in CHANGES (https://github.com/pmodels/oshmpi/blob/master/CHANGES).

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