[mpich-commits] [mpich] MPICH primary repository branch, master, updated. v3.1b1-22-g7e45cd3

mysql vizuser noreply at mpich.org
Mon Aug 26 07:23:18 CDT 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "MPICH primary repository".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  7e45cd368b57176ce1575d7b1197338988556207 (commit)
       via  e64f7b1d6e8f0f3d82c9052e76155cc642546196 (commit)
      from  a51b0f04291f75748f4e929ef364c2157abfb67b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 7e45cd368b57176ce1575d7b1197338988556207
Author: Wesley Bland <wbland at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Fri Aug 23 15:41:23 2013 -0500

    Remove Windows section from Install Guide.
    We don't provide support for Windows anymore. There shouldn't be
    instructions for installing and using it in the install guide.
    Signed-off-by: Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov>

diff --git a/doc/installguide/install.tex.vin b/doc/installguide/install.tex.vin
index 41bc3ec..0b5b823 100644
--- a/doc/installguide/install.tex.vin
+++ b/doc/installguide/install.tex.vin
@@ -877,145 +877,6 @@ the use of MPI datatypes to transpose a matrix ``on the fly,'' and one test in
 \texttt{test/mpi/perf} checks that the MPI implementation performs well in
 this case.
-\section{Windows Version}
-\subsection{Binary distribution}
-The Windows binary distribution uses the Microsoft Installer.  Download and 
-execute \texttt{mpich-xxx.msi} to install the binary distribution.  The default 
-installation path is \texttt{C:$\backslash$Program Files$\backslash$MPICH}. 
-You must have administrator privileges to install
-\texttt{mpich-xxx.msi}.  The installer  
-installs a Windows service to launch MPICH applications and only administrators
-may install services.  This process manager is called smpd.exe.  Access to 
-the process manager is passphrase protected.  The installer asks for this 
-passphrase.  Do not use your user password.  The same passphrase must be 
-installed on all nodes that will participate in a single MPI job.
-Under the installation directory are three sub-directories: \texttt{include},
- \texttt{bin}, and \texttt{lib}.  The \texttt{include} and \texttt{lib} 
-directories contain the header files and libraries necessary to compile MPI 
-applications.  The \texttt{bin} directory contains the process manager, 
-\texttt{smpd.exe}, and the the MPI job launcher, \texttt{mpiexec.exe}.  The
-dlls that implement MPICH are copied to the Windows system32 directory.
-You can install MPICH in unattended mode by executing 
-    msiexec /q /I mpich-1.x.xxx.msi
-The smpd process manager for Windows runs as a service that can launch jobs 
-for multiple users.  It does not need to be started like the unix version 
-does.  The service is automatically started when it is installed and when 
-the machine reboots.  smpd for Windows has additional options:
-\item[\texttt{smpd -start}]\mbox{}\\
-Start the Windows \texttt{smpd} service.
-\item[\texttt{smpd -stop}]\mbox{}\\
-Stop the Windows \texttt{smpd} service.
-\item[\texttt{smpd -install}]\mbox{}\\
-Install the \texttt{smpd} service.
-\item[\texttt{smpd -remove}]\mbox{}\\
-Remove the \texttt{smpd} service.
-\item[\texttt{smpd -register\_spn}]\mbox{}\\
-Register the Service Principal Name with the domain controller.
-This command enables passwordless authentication using kerberos.  It must be 
-run on each node individualy by a domain administrator.
-\subsection{Source distribution}
-In order to build MPICH from the source distribution under Windows, 
-you must have MS Developer Studio .NET 2003 or later, perl and optionally 
-Intel Fortran 8 or later.
-Download \texttt{mpich-x.y.z.tar.gz} and unzip it.
-Bring up a Visual Studio Command prompt with the compiler environment 
-variables set.
-Run \texttt{winconfigure.wsf}. If you don't have a Fortran compiler add the 
-\texttt{--remove-fortran} option to \texttt{winconfigure} to remove all the Fortran 
-projects and dependencies.  Execute \texttt{winconfigure.wsf /?} to see all
-available options.
-    open \texttt{mpich$\backslash$mpich.sln}
-%    build the \texttt{ch3sockDebug mpich} solution
-%    build the \texttt{ch3sockDebug mpichs} project
-    build the ch3sockRelease mpich solution
-    build the ch3sockRelease mpichs project
-%    build the Debug mpich solution
-    build the Release mpich solution
-%    build the fortDebug mpich solution
-    build the fortRelease mpich solution
-%    build the gfortDebug mpich solution
-    build the gfortRelease mpich solution
-%    build the sfortDebug mpich solution
-    build the sfortRelease mpich solution
-    build the channel of your choice.  The options are \texttt{sock} and
-    \texttt{nemesis}.
-If you plan on launching more processes than you have processors 
-you should use the default \texttt{sock} channel.  The \texttt{nemesis} channel 
-uses a polling progress engine that can perform poorly when multiple processes 
-compete for individual processors.  
-MPICH can also be built under \texttt{cygwin} using the source
-distribution and the Unix commands described in previous sections.  This
-will not build the same libraries as described in this section.  It will 
-build a ``Unix'' distribution that runs under \texttt{cygwin}.
-It is best to use paths that do not contain embedded spaces when
-building MPICH under \texttt{cygwin}.  For example, consider using 
-   c:\programFiles\mpich%MPICH_VERSION%
-instead of 
-   c:\Program Files\mpich%MPICH_VERSION%
-It may also help to have \texttt{cygwin} installed into a path with no
-embedded blanks.
-\subsection{\texttt{Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 Users}}
-To install MPICH version \texttt{1.3} or later please follow the 
-instructions provided in \ref{sec:winbin}. Please follow the steps
-below to install older versions of MPICH on Windows flavors with User
-Account Control.
-    Right-click on the command prompt icon and choose ``Run as administrator''
-    You can install MPICH from the administrator command prompt by executing 
-    msiexec /I mpich-1.x.xxx.msi
 \section{All Configure Options}


commit e64f7b1d6e8f0f3d82c9052e76155cc642546196
Author: Wesley Bland <wbland at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Wed Aug 21 11:06:44 2013 -0500

    Remove Windows section from User Guide.
    We don't provide support for Windows anymore. There shouldn't be instructions
    for installing and using it in the user guide.
    Signed-off-by: Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov>

diff --git a/doc/userguide/user.tex.vin b/doc/userguide/user.tex.vin
index 13d9125..455d09e 100644
--- a/doc/userguide/user.tex.vin
+++ b/doc/userguide/user.tex.vin
@@ -684,54 +684,6 @@ be found in the \texttt{mpich/test/mpi} source directory and can be
 run with the command \texttt{make testing}.  This test suite should
 work with any MPI implementation, not just MPICH.
-\section{MPICH under Windows}
-The default installation of MPICH is in
-\texttt{C:$\backslash$Program Files$\backslash$MPICH}. Under the installation
-directory are three sub-directories: \texttt{include}, \texttt{bin}, and
-\texttt{lib}.  The \texttt{include} and \texttt{lib} directories contain
-the header files and libraries necessary to compile MPI applications.  
-The \texttt{bin} directory contains the process manager, \texttt{smpd.exe},
-and the MPI job launcher, \texttt{mpiexec.exe}.  The dlls that implement
-MPICH are copied to the Windows system32 directory.
-The libraries in the \texttt{lib} directory were compiled with MS Visual C++ .NET 2003
-and Intel Fortran 8.1.  These 
-compilers and any others that can link with the MS \texttt{.lib} files can be used to
-create user applications.  \texttt{gcc} and \texttt{g77} for \texttt{cygwin} can be used with the 
-\texttt{libmpich*.a} libraries.
-For MS Developer Studio users: Create a project and add
-    C:\Program Files\MPICH\include
-to the include path and
-    C:\Program Files\MPICH\lib
-the library path.  Add \texttt{mpi.lib} and \texttt{cxx.lib} to the
-link command.  Add \texttt{cxxd.lib} to the Debug target link instead of
-Intel Fortran 8 users should add \texttt{fmpich.lib} to the link command. 
-Cygwin users should use \texttt{libmpich.a} \texttt{libfmpichg.a}.
-MPI jobs are run from a command prompt using \texttt{mpiexec.exe}.  See
-Section~\ref{sec:extensions-smpd} on \texttt{mpiexec} for \texttt{smpd}
-for a description of the options to \texttt{mpiexec}.


Summary of changes:
 doc/installguide/install.tex.vin |  139 --------------------------------------
 doc/userguide/user.tex.vin       |   48 -------------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

MPICH primary repository

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