[mpich-commits] [mpich] MPICH primary repository branch, master, updated. v3.0.4-267-g7228af2

mysql vizuser noreply at mpich.org
Fri Jun 7 15:23:13 CDT 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "MPICH primary repository".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  7228af25d5f7490f69c7929841cb7bc24d6d792e (commit)
       via  e78f37339f9573de4158d4a404834955b8da42f0 (commit)
       via  6e7afae345cc450f7999adb6d52d1a1878c19504 (commit)
       via  d3b99bb0be96a1721ced0b99f025796ca572d24d (commit)
       via  fe43008c712fe7f33564e7d1179b9997087efe36 (commit)
       via  d0c1c15acd0ed286c737570399e075f08b63e6fe (commit)
       via  709a3b3f17abf85d3055824d1a0bd6977e64b2f7 (commit)
      from  2a90c3644882f5ef805fed0f8add5c3ccbf3bd0e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 7228af25d5f7490f69c7929841cb7bc24d6d792e
Author: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 18 13:14:35 2013 -0500

    Additional MPIX_IO_* functions and fortran interfaces.
    - add fortran interfaces for new MPIX_* functions
    - remove fortran interface for MPIX_Pset_io_node()
    - do not use the MPIX_Pset_io_node() function internally
    The MPIX_Pset_io_node() function has been deprecated.
    (ibm) CPS 92XKPE
    (ibm) 6c7f293ccda15d447369ee7327a225d3b7979f15
    (ibm) 106eef011bc1e58ada7e208e8c56ee341045611b
    (ibm) 23b42d38b9f75ddd93701a021f84418a30a7693a
    (ibm) b39954ab0052e0c5676cd9c270f159a4f6a99828
    Signed-off-by: Haizhu Liu <haizhu at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpix.h b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpix.h
index 8996d82..6940ad9 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpix.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpix.h
@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ extern "C" {
    * \brief Determine the rank-in-COMM_WORLD of the process associated with rank-in-comm
+   *
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *
    * \param[in]  comm  The communicator associated with the input rank
    * \param[in]  crank The rank-in-comm
    * \param[out] grank The rank-in-COMM_WORLD (AKA Global rank)
@@ -139,6 +143,9 @@ extern "C" {
    * \brief Create a communicator such that all nodes in the same
    *        communicator are served by the same I/O node
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *
    * \note This is a collective operation on MPI_COMM_WORLD
    * \param [out] pset_comm The new communicator
@@ -151,6 +158,9 @@ extern "C" {
    * \brief Create a communicator such that all nodes in the same
    *        communicator are served by a different I/O node
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *
    * \note This is a collective operation on MPI_COMM_WORLD
    * \param [out] pset_comm The new communicator
@@ -163,6 +173,9 @@ extern "C" {
    * \brief Create a communicator such that all nodes in the same
    *        communicator are served by the same I/O node
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *   MPIX_PSET_SAME_COMM_CREATE (INTEGER parent_comm, INTEGER pset_comm, INTEGER ierr)
+   *
    * \note This is a collective operation on the parent communicator.
    * \param [in]  parent_comm The parent communicator
@@ -176,6 +189,9 @@ extern "C" {
    * \brief Create a communicator such that all nodes in the same
    *        communicator are served by a different I/O node
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *   MPIX_PSET_DIFF_COMM_CREATE (INTEGER parent_comm, INTEGER pset_comm, INTEGER ierr)
+   *
    * \note This is a collective operation on the parent communicator
    * \param [in]  parent_comm The parent communicator
@@ -186,20 +202,65 @@ extern "C" {
   int MPIX_Pset_diff_comm_create_from_parent (MPI_Comm parent_comm, MPI_Comm *pset_comm);
-   * \brief Retrieve information about the I/O node associated with the
-   *        local compute node.
+   * \brief Retrieve the identifier of the io node associated with the local compute node.
+   *
+   * The I/O node identifier is a unique number, yet it is not a monotonically
+   * increasing integer; such as a rank in a communicator. Multiple ranks, and
+   * multiple compute nodes, can be associated with the same I/O link.
+   *
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *   MPIX_IO_NODE_ID (INTEGER io_node_id)
+   *
+   * \note On BG/Q two 'bridge' compute nodes are connected to each io node;
+   *       each unique io node identifier will be associated with at most two
+   *       different io link identifiers.
+   *
+   * \return I/O node identifier
+   */
+  int MPIX_IO_node_id ();
+  /**
+   * \brief Retrieve the identifier of the io link associated with the local compute node.
-   * The I/O node route identifier is a unique number, yet it is not a
-   * monotonically increasing integer; such as a rank in a communicator.
-   * Multiple ranks, and multiple compute nodes, can be associated with the
-   * same I/O node route.
+   * The I/O link identifier is a unique number, yet it is not a monotonically
+   * increasing integer; such as a rank in a communicator. Multiple ranks, and
+   * multiple compute nodes, can be associated with the same I/O link.
+   *
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *   MPIX_IO_LINK_ID (INTEGER io_link_id)
+   *
+   * \return I/O link identifier
+   */
+  int MPIX_IO_link_id ();
+  /**
+   * \brief Retrieve the number of hops to the io node associated with the local compute node.
    * The distance to the I/O node is the number of hops on the torus from the
-   * local compute node to the associated I/O node.
+   * local compute node to the associated I/O node. The 'torus' vs 'mesh'
+   * attribute of each dimention is considered when determining the distance.
+   *
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *   MPIX_IO_DISTANCE (INTEGER io_distance)
    * \note On BG/Q the 'bridge' compute nodes are those nodes that are closest
    *       to the I/O node and will have a distance of '1'.
+   * \return number of hops to the I/O node
+   */
+  int MPIX_IO_distance ();
+  /**
+   * \brief Retrieve information about the I/O node associated with the
+   *        local compute node.
+   *
+   * \deprecated This function has been replaced with MPIX_IO_link_id() and
+   *             MPIX_IO_distance()
+   *
+   * \see MPIX_IO_link_id
+   * \see MPIX_IO_distance
+   * \see MPIX_IO_node_id
+   *
    * \param [out] io_node_route_id     The unique I/O node route identifier
    * \param [out] distance_to_io_node  The number of hops to the I/O node
@@ -220,6 +281,9 @@ extern "C" {
    * in MPI_COMM_WORLD. However, when using a non-default mapping or a mapfile
    * the ranks will be different.
+   * Fortran interface:
+   *
    * \param [out] cart_comm The new Cartesian communicator
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpix/mpix.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpix/mpix.c
index 87741fc..88df322 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpix/mpix.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpix/mpix.c
@@ -520,17 +520,79 @@ MPIX_Get_last_algorithm_name(MPI_Comm comm, char *protocol, int length)
 #undef FUNCNAME
-#define FUNCNAME MPIX_Pset_ionode
+#define FUNCNAME MPIX_IO_node_id
 #undef FCNAME
-MPIX_Pset_io_node (int *io_node_route_id, int *distance_to_io_node)
+int MPIX_IO_node_id ()
+  static unsigned long IO_node_id = ULONG_MAX;
+  if (IO_node_id != ULONG_MAX)
+    return (int)(IO_node_id>>32);
+  int rc;
+  int fd;
+  char* uci_str;
+  char buffer[4096];
+  unsigned long uci;
+  fd = open("/dev/bgpers", O_RDONLY, 0);
+  assert(fd>=0);
+  rc = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+  assert(rc>0);
+  close(fd);
+  uci_str = strstr(buffer, "BG_UCI=");
+  assert(uci_str);
+  uci_str += sizeof("BG_UCI=")-1;
+  IO_node_id = strtoul(uci_str, NULL, 16);
+  return (int)(IO_node_id>>32);
+#undef FUNCNAME
+#define FUNCNAME MPIX_IO_link_id
+#undef FCNAME
+int MPIX_IO_link_id ()
+  int nA,  nB,  nC,  nD,  nE;                /* Size of each torus dimension  */
+  int brA, brB, brC, brD, brE;               /* The bridge node's coordinates */
+  Personality_t personality;
+  Kernel_GetPersonality(&personality, sizeof(personality));
+  nA  = personality.Network_Config.Anodes;
+  nB  = personality.Network_Config.Bnodes;
+  nC  = personality.Network_Config.Cnodes;
+  nD  = personality.Network_Config.Dnodes;
+  nE  = personality.Network_Config.Enodes;
+  brA = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_A;
+  brB = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_B;
+  brC = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_C;
+  brD = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_D;
+  brE = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_E;
+  /*
+   * This is the bridge node, numbered in ABCDE order, E increments first.
+   * It is considered the unique "io node route identifer" because each
+   * bridge node only has one torus link to one io node.
+   */
+  return brE + brD*nE + brC*nD*nE + brB*nC*nD*nE + brA*nB*nC*nD*nE;
+#undef FUNCNAME
+#define FUNCNAME MPIX_IO_distance
+#undef FCNAME
+int MPIX_IO_distance ()
   int iA,  iB,  iC,  iD,  iE;                /* The local node's coordinates  */
   int nA,  nB,  nC,  nD,  nE;                /* Size of each torus dimension  */
   int brA, brB, brC, brD, brE;               /* The bridge node's coordinates */
   int Nflags;
-  int torusA, torusB, torusC, torusD, torusE;        /* mesh == 0, torus == 1 */
   int d1, d2;
   int dA, dB, dC, dD, dE;          /* distance from local node to bridge node */
@@ -558,51 +620,59 @@ MPIX_Pset_io_node (int *io_node_route_id, int *distance_to_io_node)
   Nflags = personality.Network_Config.NetFlags;
-  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_A) torusA = 1;
-  else                                torusA = 0;
-  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_B) torusB = 1;
-  else                                torusB = 0;
-  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_C) torusC = 1;
-  else                                torusC = 0;
-  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_D) torusD = 1;
-  else                                torusD = 0;
-  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_E) torusE = 1;
-  else                                torusE = 0;
-  /*
-   * This is the bridge node, numbered in ABCDE order, E increments first.
-   * It is considered the unique "io node route identifer" because each
-   * bridge node only has one torus link to one io node.
-   */
-  *io_node_route_id = brE + brD*nE + brC*nD*nE + brB*nC*nD*nE + brA*nB*nC*nD*nE;
-  d1 = abs(iA - brA);
-  d2 = nA - d1;
-  if (torusA) dA = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
-  else        dA = d1;
+  dA = abs(iA - brA);
+  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_A)
+  {
+    d1 = dA;
+    d2 = nA - d1;
+    dA = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+  }
-  d1 = abs(iB - brB);
-  d2 = nB - d1;
-  if (torusB) dB = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
-  else        dB = d1;
+  dB = abs(iB - brB);
+  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_B)
+  {
+    d1 = dB;
+    d2 = nB - d1;
+    dB = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+  }
-  d1 = abs(iC - brC);
-  d2 = nC - d1;
-  if (torusC) dC = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
-  else        dC = d1;
+  dC = abs(iC - brC);
+  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_C)
+  {
+    d1 = dC;
+    d2 = nC - d1;
+    dC = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+  }
-  d1 = abs(iD - brD);
-  d2 = nD - d1;
-  if (torusD) dD = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
-  else        dD = d1;
+  dD = abs(iD - brD);
+  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_D)
+  {
+    d1 = dD;
+    d2 = nD - d1;
+    dD = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+  }
-  d1 = abs(iE - brE);
-  d2 = nE - d1;
-  if (torusE) dE = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
-  else        dE = d1;
+  dE = abs(iE - brE);
+  if (Nflags & ND_ENABLE_TORUS_DIM_E)
+  {
+    d1 = dE;
+    d2 = nE - d1;
+    dE = (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+  }
   /* This is the number of hops to the io node */
-  *distance_to_io_node = dA + dB + dC + dD + dE + 1;
+  return dA + dB + dC + dD + dE + 1;
+#undef FUNCNAME
+#define FUNCNAME MPIX_Pset_io_node
+#undef FCNAME
+MPIX_Pset_io_node (int *io_node_route_id, int *distance_to_io_node)
+  *io_node_route_id    = MPIX_IO_link_id ();
+  *distance_to_io_node = MPIX_IO_distance ();
@@ -622,7 +692,8 @@ int _MPIX_Pset_same_comm_create (MPID_Comm *parent_comm_ptr, MPID_Comm **pset_co
   int color, key;
   int mpi_errno;
-  MPIX_Pset_io_node (&color, &key);
+  color = MPIX_IO_link_id ();
+  key   = MPIX_IO_distance ();
    * Use MPIR_Comm_split_impl to make a communicator of all ranks in the parent
@@ -861,6 +932,105 @@ MPIX_Cart_comm_create (MPI_Comm *cart_comm)
   return MPI_SUCCESS;
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Comm_rank2global
+ *
+ * \param [in] comm  Communicator
+ * \param [in] crank Pointer to the rank in the communicator variable
+ * \param [out] grank Pointer tot he global rank variable
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_comm_rank2global (MPI_Comm *comm, int *crank, int *grank)
+  return MPIX_Comm_rank2global (*comm, *crank, grank);
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Pset_same_comm_create
+ *
+ * \param [out] pset_comm  Communicator
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_pset_same_comm_create (MPI_Comm *pset_comm)
+  return MPIX_Pset_same_comm_create (pset_comm);
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Pset_diff_comm_create
+ *
+ * \param [out] pset_comm  Communicator
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_pset_diff_comm_create (MPI_Comm *pset_comm)
+  return MPIX_Pset_diff_comm_create (pset_comm);
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Pset_same_comm_create_from_parent
+ *
+ * \param [in]  parent_comm  Parent communicator
+ * \param [out] pset_comm    New pset communicator
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_pset_same_comm_create_from_parent (MPI_Comm *parent_comm, MPI_Comm *pset_comm)
+  return MPIX_Pset_same_comm_create_from_parent (*parent_comm, pset_comm);
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Pset_diff_comm_create_from_parent
+ *
+ * \param [in]  parent_comm  Parent communicator
+ * \param [out] pset_comm    New pset communicator
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_pset_diff_comm_create_from_parent (MPI_Comm *parent_comm, MPI_Comm *pset_comm)
+  return MPIX_Pset_diff_comm_create_from_parent (*parent_comm, pset_comm);
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_IO_node_id
+ *
+ * \param [out] io_node_id    This rank's io node id
+ */
+void mpix_io_node_id (int *io_node_id) { *io_node_id = MPIX_IO_node_id(); }
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_IO_link_id
+ *
+ * \param [out] io_link_id    This rank's io link id
+ */
+void mpix_io_link_id (int *io_link_id) { *io_link_id = MPIX_IO_link_id(); }
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_IO_distance
+ *
+ * \param [out] io_distance   This rank's distance to the io node
+ */
+void mpix_io_distance (int *io_distance) { *io_distance = MPIX_IO_distance(); }
+ * \brief FORTRAN interface to MPIX_Cart_comm_create
+ *
+ * \param [out] cart_comm  Communicator to create
+ *
+ * \return status
+ */
+int mpix_cart_comm_create (MPI_Comm *cart_comm)
+  return MPIX_Cart_comm_create (cart_comm);
 #ifdef __PE__


commit e78f37339f9573de4158d4a404834955b8da42f0
Author: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 18 11:33:27 2013 -0500

    always disable eager for synchronous sends
     (ibm) CPS 95PHUZ
     (ibm) 7bfb869616ec9aaffe4e5de9e05840fed4e4065a
     (ibm) d5a3fc9e58ccfcf185f9671b06d8307fd56e653c
    Signed-off-by: Haizhu Liu <haizhu at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
index 805d310..8904ddd 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
@@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ if (!TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON) {
   const unsigned isLocal = PAMIX_Task_is_local(dest_tid);
+  const unsigned data_sz_limit = isSync?UINT_MAX:data_sz;
    * Always use the short protocol when data_sz is small.
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ if (!TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON) {
    * Use the eager protocol when data_sz is less than the eager limit.
-  else if (data_sz < MPIDI_PT2PT_EAGER_LIMIT(isInternal,isLocal))
+  else if (data_sz_limit < MPIDI_PT2PT_EAGER_LIMIT(isInternal,isLocal))
       TRACE_ERR("Sending(eager%s%s) bytes=%u (eager_limit=%u)\n", isInternal==1?",internal":"", isLocal==1?",intranode":"", data_sz, MPIDI_PT2PT_EAGER_LIMIT(isInternal,isLocal));


commit 6e7afae345cc450f7999adb6d52d1a1878c19504
Author: Su Huang <suhuang at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 11:09:47 2013 -0400

    negative source returned from MPI_Waitany
     (ibm) D190899
     (ibm) 6693a84bd469820d94e694bbb7e3fbe2b6188e2f
    Signed-off-by: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
index 8e68aa9..9f2e062 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
@@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ void MPIDI_Recvq_process_out_of_order_msgs(pami_task_t src, pami_context_t conte
 	} else {
           MPIDI_RecvMsg_Unexp(ooreq, rreq->mpid.userbuf, rreq->mpid.userbufcount, rreq->mpid.datatype);
           rreq->status.count = ooreq->status.count;
+          rreq->status.MPI_SOURCE = ooreq->status.MPI_SOURCE;
+          rreq->status.MPI_TAG = ooreq->status.MPI_TAG;
+          rreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno = ooreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno;


commit d3b99bb0be96a1721ced0b99f025796ca572d24d
Author: Su Huang <suhuang at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Wed May 29 09:18:21 2013 -0400

    pamid updates to handling trace buffers
     (ibm) D190239
     (ibm) 83363688c21e16bf6f504d5d1bd28075a099bb89
    Signed-off-by: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_datatypes.h b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_datatypes.h
index 62adcbf..fb56e3c 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_datatypes.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_datatypes.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "mpidi_constants.h"
 #include "mpidi_platform.h"
 #include "pami.h"
+#include "mpidi_trace.h"
 struct MPID_Request;
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_trace.h b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_trace.h
index 9f04067..97f6b96 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_trace.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_trace.h
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ typedef struct {
    int        rtag;       /* tag of a received message               */
    int        rlen;       /* len of a received message               */
    int        rctx;       /* context of a received message           */
+   void *     matchedHandle; /* a message with multiple handles      */
+   union {
+   uint       flags;
+   struct {
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    uint       posted:1;   /* has the receive posted                  */
    uint       rzv:1;      /* rendezvous message ?                    */
    uint       sync:1;     /* synchronous message?                    */
@@ -49,8 +54,32 @@ typedef struct {
    uint       matchedInWait:1;/* found a match in MPI_Wait() etc.    */
    uint       ReadySend:1;   /* a ready send messsage                */
    uint       persist:1;     /* persist communication                */
-   uint       reserve:9;
-   void *     matchedHandle; /* a message with multiple handles      */
+   uint       reserve:1;
+   uint       reserve1:8;
+   uint      reserve1:8;
+   uint      reserve:1;
+   uint      persist:1;     /* persist communication                */
+   uint      ReadySend:1;   /* a ready send messsage                */
+   uint      matchedInWait:1;/* found a match in MPI_Wait() etc.    */
+   uint      matchedInUQ2:2;/* found a match in unexpected queue    */
+   uint      matchedInUQ:2; /* found a match in unexpected queue    */
+   uint      matchedInComp:1;/* found a match in completion handler */
+   uint      matchedInHH:1; /* found a match in header haldner      */
+   uint      sync_com_in_HH:1; /* sync msg completed in header handler*/
+   uint      comp_in_HHV_noMatch:1;/* no matched in header handler EA */
+   uint      comp_in_HH:4;  /* the msg completed in header handler  */
+   uint      matchedInOOL:1;/* found a match in out of order list   */
+   uint      ool:1;      /* the msg arrived out of order            */
+   uint      HH:1;       /* header handler                          */
+   uint      sendFin:1;  /* send complete info?                     */
+   uint      sendAck:1;  /* send ack?                               */
+   uint      sync:1;     /* synchronous message?                    */
+   uint      rzv:1;      /* rendezvous message ?                    */
+   uint      posted:1;   /* has the receive posted                  */
+   }f;
+   }fl;
 } recv_status;
 typedef struct {
@@ -64,6 +93,10 @@ typedef struct {
    unsigned short dummy;
    int        tag;           /* tag of a message                     */
    int        len;           /* lengh of a message                   */
+   union {
+   uint       flags;
+   struct {
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    uint       blocking:1;    /* blocking send ?                      */
    uint       sync:1;        /* sync message                         */
    uint       sendEnvelop:1; /* envelop send?                        */
@@ -80,7 +113,30 @@ typedef struct {
    uint       ReadySend:1;   /* ready send                           */
    uint       reqXfer:1;     /* request message transfer             */
    uint       persist:1;     /* persistent communiation              */
-   uint       reserved:15;
+   uint       reserve:5;
+   uint       reserve1:8;
+   uint       reserve1:8;
+   uint       reserve:5;
+   uint       persist:1;     /* persistent communiation              */
+   uint       reqXfer:1;     /* request message transfer             */
+   uint       ReadySend:1;   /* ready send                           */
+   uint       complSync:1;   /* complete sync                        */
+   uint       recvFin:1;     /* recv complete information            */
+   uint       recvAck:1;     /* recv an ack from the receiver        */
+   uint       sendComp:1;    /* send complete                        */
+   uint       NoComp:4;      /* no completion handler                */
+   uint       use_pami_get:1;/* use only PAMI_Get()                  */
+   uint       memRegion:1;   /* memory is registered                 */
+   uint       sendRzv:1;     /* send via renzdvous protocol          */
+   uint       sendEager:1;   /* eager send                           */
+   uint       sendShort:1;   /* send immediate                       */
+   uint       sendEnvelop:1; /* envelop send?                        */
+   uint       sync:1;        /* sync message                         */
+   uint       blocking:1;    /* blocking send ?                      */
+   }f;
+   }fl;
 } send_status;
 typedef struct {
@@ -94,15 +150,46 @@ typedef struct {
    int    len;         /* length of a receive message          */
    uint  nMsgs;        /* no. of messages have been received   */
    uint  msgid;        /* msg seqno of the matched message     */
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    uint  sendCtx:16;   /* context of incoming msg              */
    uint  recvCtx:16;   /* context of a posted receive          */
+   uint  recvCtx:16;   /* context of a posted receive          */
+   uint  sendCtx:16;   /* context of incoming msg              */
+   union {
+   uint       flags;
+   struct {
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    uint  lw:4;         /* use lw protocol immediate send       */
    uint  persist:4;    /* persistent communication             */
    uint  blocking:2;   /* blocking receive                     */
-   uint  reserve:22;
+   uint  reserve:6;  
+   uint  reserve1:16;
+   uint  reserve1:16;
+   uint  reserve:6;  
+   uint  blocking:2;   /* blocking receive                     */
+   uint  persist:4;    /* persistent communication             */
+   uint  lw:4;         /* use lw protocol immediate send       */
+   }f;
+   }fl;
 } posted_recv;
-#define MPIDI_SET_PR_REC(rreq,buf,ct,ll,dt,pami_id,rank,tag,comm,is_blk) { \
+typedef struct MPIDI_Trace_buf {
+    recv_status *R;     /* record incoming messages    */
+    posted_recv *PR;    /* record posted receive       */
+    send_status *S;     /* send messages               */
+    int  totPR;         /* total no. of poste receive  */
+} MPIDI_Trace_buf_t;
+MPIDI_Trace_buf_t  *MPIDI_Trace_buf;
+#define MPIDI_SET_PR_REC(rreq,buf,ct,dt,pami_id,rank,tag,comm,is_blk) { \
         int idx,src,seqNo,x;                                      \
         if (pami_id != MPI_ANY_SOURCE)                            \
             src=pami_id;                                          \
@@ -118,42 +205,53 @@ typedef struct {
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].bufadd = buf;                \
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].msgid = seqNo;               \
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].count = ct;                  \
-        MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].len   = ll;                  \
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].datatype = dt;               \
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].tag=tag;                     \
         MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].sendCtx=comm->context_id;    \
-        MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].blocking=is_blk;             \
+        MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].PR[idx].fl.f.blocking=is_blk;             \
         rreq->mpid.PR_idx=idx;                                    \
-#define MPIDI_GET_S_REC(sreq,ctx,isSync,dataSize) {             \
+#define MPIDI_GET_S_REC(dd,sreq,ctx,isSync,dataSize) {        \
         send_status *sstatus;                                   \
-        int dest=sreq->mpid.partner_id;                         \
         int seqNo=sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno;         \
         int idx = (seqNo & SEQMASK);                            \
-        memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[idx],0,sizeof(send_status));\
-        sstatus=&MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[idx];                  \
+        sreq->mpid.partner_id=dd;                               \
+        memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[dd].S[idx],0,sizeof(send_status));\
+        sstatus=&MPIDI_Trace_buf[dd].S[idx];                    \
         sstatus->req    = (void *)sreq;                         \
         sstatus->tag    = sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPItag;   \
         sstatus->dest   = sreq->mpid.peer_pami;                 \
         sstatus->rank   = sreq->mpid.peer_comm;                 \
         sstatus->msgid = seqNo;                                 \
-        sstatus->sync = isSync;                                 \
+        sstatus->fl.f.sync = isSync;                            \
         sstatus->sctx = ctx;                                    \
         sstatus->tag = sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPItag;      \
         sstatus->len= dataSize;                                 \
         sreq->mpid.idx=idx;                                     \
-typedef struct MPIDI_Trace_buf {
-    recv_status *R;     /* record incoming messages    */
-    posted_recv *PR;    /* record posted receive       */
-    send_status *S;     /* send messages               */
-    int  totPR;         /* total no. of poste receive  */
-} MPIDI_Trace_buf_t;
-MPIDI_Trace_buf_t  *MPIDI_Trace_buf;
+#define TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dd,ii,mbr) MPIDI_Trace_buf[(dd)].S[(ii)].mbr=1;
+#define TRACE_SET_R_BIT(dd,ii,mbr) MPIDI_Trace_buf[(dd)].R[(ii)].mbr=1;
+#define TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dd,ii,mbr,val) MPIDI_Trace_buf[(dd)].S[(ii)].mbr=val;
+#define TRACE_SET_R_VAL(dd,ii,mbr,val) MPIDI_Trace_buf[(dd)].R[(ii)].mbr=val;
+#define TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(ww,val1) ww=val1;
+#define TRACE_MEMSET_R(tt,nbr,str)  (memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[tt].R[(nbr & SEQMASK)],0,sizeof(str)));
+#define TRACE_MEMSET_S(tt,nbr,str)  (memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[tt].S[(nbr & SEQMASK)],0,sizeof(str)));
+int recv_status;
+int send_status;
+int posted_recv;
+#define MPIDI_SET_PR_REC(rreq,buf,ct,dt,pami_id,rank,tag,comm,is_blk) 0  
+#define MPIDI_GET_S_REC(dest,sreq,ctx,isSync,dataSize) 0 
+#define TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dd,ii,mbr) 0 
+#define TRACE_SET_R_BIT(dd,ii,mbr) 0 
+#define TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dd,ii,mbr,val) 0 
+#define TRACE_SET_R_VAL(dd,ii,mbr,val) 0 
+#define TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(ww,val1) 0 
+#define TRACE_MEMSET_R(tt,nbr,str)  0 
 #endif  /* MPIDI_TRACE             */
 #endif   /* include_mpidi_trace_h  */
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidpre.h b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidpre.h
index ebb99af..29039e2 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidpre.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidpre.h
@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@
 #include "mpidi_hooks.h"
 #include "mpidi_thread.h"
 #include "mpidi_util.h"
-#include "mpidi_trace.h"
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.c
index 8a7f43b..3cd9cae 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.c
@@ -316,9 +316,7 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_FDU(int source, pami_task_t pami_source, int tag, int context_id, in
             MPIDI_Recvq_remove(MPIDI_Recvq.unexpected, rreq, prev_rreq);
             found = TRUE;
-            MPIDI_Trace_buf[(rreq->mpid.partner_id)].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].matchedInUQ2=1;
+            TRACE_SET_R_BIT((rreq->mpid.partner_id),(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.matchedInUQ2);
             goto fn_exit;
@@ -507,11 +505,10 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_AEU(MPID_Request *newreq, int source, pami_task_t pami_source, int t
   MPID_Request *rreq;
   rreq = newreq;
   rreq->kind = MPID_REQUEST_RECV;
-#ifdef  MPIDI_TRACE
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno=-1;
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.length=0;
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.data=NULL;
+  TRACE_MEMSET_R(pami_source,msg_seqno,recv_status);
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno,-1);
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.length,-1);
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.data,(void *) 0);
   MPIDI_Request_setMatch(rreq, tag, source, context_id);
   MPIDI_Recvq_append(MPIDI_Recvq.unexpected, rreq);
@@ -519,13 +516,6 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_AEU(MPID_Request *newreq, int source, pami_task_t pami_source, int t
   MPID_Request *q;
   MPIDI_In_cntr_t *in_cntr;
   int insert, i;
-  int idx;
-  idx=(msg_seqno & SEQMASK);
-  recv_status *rstatus;
-  rstatus=&MPIDI_In_cntr[pami_source].R[idx];
-  memset(rstatus,0,sizeof(recv_status));
   in_cntr = &MPIDI_In_cntr[pami_source];
   MPIDI_Request_setMatch(rreq, tag, source, context_id); /* mpi rank needed */
@@ -552,16 +542,14 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_AEU(MPID_Request *newreq, int source, pami_task_t pami_source, int t
       MPIDI_Recvq_append(MPIDI_Recvq.unexpected, rreq);
-   rstatus->req=rreq;
-   rstatus->msgid=msg_seqno;
-   rstatus->ool=1;
-   rstatus->rtag=tag;
-   rstatus->rctx=context_id;
-   rreq->mpid.idx=idx;
-   rstatus->rsource=pami_source;
-   rreq->mpid.partner_id=pami_source;
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),req,rreq);
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),msgid,msg_seqno);
+   TRACE_SET_R_BIT(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.ool);
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rtag,tag);
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rctx,context_id);
+   TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.idx,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK));
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rsource,pami_source);
+   TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.partner_id,pami_source);
   if (((int)(in_cntr->nMsgs - msg_seqno)) < 0) { /* seqno > nMsgs, out of order */
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.h b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.h
index ba5a57c..707fb66 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.h
@@ -166,11 +166,9 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_FDU_or_AEP(MPID_Request *newreq, int source, pami_task_t pami_source
      so we need to allocate a new request and add it to the
      posted queue */
   rreq = newreq;
-#ifdef  MPIDI_TRACE
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno=-1;
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.length=-1;
-  rreq->mpid.envelope.data=NULL;
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno,-1);
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.length,-1);
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.envelope.data,(void *) 0);
   rreq->kind = MPID_REQUEST_RECV;
   MPIDI_Request_setMatch(rreq, tag, source, context_id);
   MPIDI_Recvq_append(MPIDI_Recvq.posted, rreq);
@@ -237,13 +235,7 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_FDP(size_t source, pami_task_t pami_source, int tag, int context_id,
   unsigned search_length = 0;
-  int idx;
-  idx=(msg_seqno & SEQMASK);
-  recv_status  *rstatus;
-  memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[pami_source].R[idx],0,sizeof(recv_status));
-  rstatus=&MPIDI_Trace_buf[pami_source].R[idx];
+  TRACE_MEMSET_R(pami_source,msg_seqno,recv_status);
   rreq = MPIDI_Recvq.posted_head;
@@ -282,19 +274,17 @@ MPIDI_Recvq_FDP(size_t source, pami_task_t pami_source, int tag, int context_id,
     if (flag)
-        rstatus->req=rreq;
-        rstatus->msgid=msg_seqno;
-        rstatus->posted=1;
-        rstatus->bufadd=rreq->mpid.userbuf;
-        rstatus->len=rreq->mpid.envelope.length;
-        rstatus->rtag=tag;
-        rstatus->rctx=context_id;
-        rstatus->matchedInHH=1;
-        rstatus->rsource=pami_source;
-        rreq->mpid.idx=idx;
-        rreq->mpid.partner_id=pami_source;
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),req,rreq);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),msgid,msg_seqno);
+        TRACE_SET_R_BIT(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.posted);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),bufadd,rreq->mpid.userbuf);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),len,rreq->mpid.envelope.length);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rtag,tag);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rctx,context_id);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),rsource,pami_source);
+        TRACE_SET_R_BIT(pami_source,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.matchedInHH);
+        TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.idx,(msg_seqno & SEQMASK));
+        TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.partner_id,pami_source);
         MPIDI_Request_setPeerRank_pami(rreq, pami_source);
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_eager.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_eager.c
index bcdf5d5..8b8c774 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_eager.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_eager.c
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ MPIDI_RecvCB(pami_context_t    context,
   MPIDI_Request_cpyPeerRequestH(rreq, msginfo);
   MPIDI_Request_setSync        (rreq, msginfo->isSync);
   MPIDI_Request_setRzv         (rreq, 0);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.PR_idx),len,sndlen);
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /*  We have to fill in the callback info.  */
   /* --------------------------------------- */
@@ -295,10 +295,8 @@ MPIDI_RecvCB(pami_context_t    context,
       /* -------------------------------------------------- */
       recv->addr = rreq->mpid.uebuf;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender))].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].comp_in_HH=2;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender))].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].bufadd=rreq->mpid.userbuf;
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.comp_in_HH,2);
+   TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),bufadd,rreq->mpid.userbuf);
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_rzv.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_rzv.c
index 45a7963..8b00c48 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_rzv.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_rzv.c
@@ -111,12 +111,10 @@ MPIDI_RecvRzvCB_impl(pami_context_t    context,
       rreq->mpid.envelope.data   = envelope->data;
       rreq->mpid.envelope.length = envelope->length;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].req=rreq;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].rzv=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].rlen=envelope->length;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].sync=msginfo->isSync;
+     TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),req,rreq);
+     TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),rlen,envelope->length);
+     TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sync,msginfo->isSync);
+     TRACE_SET_R_BIT(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.rzv);
          #if TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL
@@ -147,11 +145,9 @@ MPIDI_RecvRzvCB_impl(pami_context_t    context,
           MPIDI_RendezvousTransfer(context, rreq);
-      MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].sync_com_in_HH=1;
-      MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].matchedInHH=1;
-      MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].bufadd=rreq->mpid.userbuf;
+          TRACE_SET_R_BIT(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sync_com_in_HH);
+          TRACE_SET_R_BIT(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.matchedInHH);
+          TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),bufadd,rreq->mpid.userbuf);
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_short.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_short.c
index 14a6f2e..552c636 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_short.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_short.c
@@ -196,11 +196,9 @@ MPIDI_RecvShortCB(pami_context_t    context,
   if (sndlen > 0)
     memcpy(rcvbuf, sndbuf, sndlen);
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender))].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].rlen=sndlen;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender))].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].comp_in_HH=1;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender))].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].bufadd=rreq->mpid.userbuf;
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),rlen,sndlen);
+  TRACE_SET_R_BIT(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.comp_in_HH);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(source,(rreq->mpid.idx),bufadd,rreq->mpid.userbuf);
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_util.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_util.c
index 3f80fae..931404c 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_util.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_util.c
@@ -73,18 +73,14 @@ MPIDI_Callback_process_unexp(MPID_Request *newreq,
   MPID_assert(!sndlen || rreq->mpid.uebuf != NULL);
-   int  idx=(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK);
-   int  source=PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender);
-   memset(&MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx],0,sizeof(recv_status));
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].msgid=msginfo->MPIseqno;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].rtag=tag;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].rctx=msginfo->MPIctxt;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].rlen=sndlen;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].sync=isSync;
-   MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[idx].rsource=source;
-   rreq->mpid.idx=idx;
+  TRACE_MEMSET_R(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),msg_seqno,recv_status);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),msgid,msginfo->MPIseqno);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),rtag,tag);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),rctx,msginfo->MPIctxt);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),rlen,sndlen);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.sync,isSync);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender),(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK),rsource,PAMIX_Endpoint_query(sender));
+  TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.idx,(msginfo->MPIseqno & SEQMASK));
   if (recv != NULL)
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_control.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_control.c
index b39fa51..39629fd 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_control.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_control.c
@@ -132,13 +132,9 @@ MPIDI_RecvRzvDoneCB_zerobyte(pami_context_t  context,
   MPIDI_Request_setControl(rreq, original_value);
   MPIDI_RecvDoneCB(context, rreq, PAMI_SUCCESS);
-  pami_task_t source;
-  source = MPIDI_Request_getPeerRank_pami(rreq);
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].sync_com_in_HH=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].matchedInHH=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[source].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].bufadd=rreq->mpid.userbuf;
+  TRACE_SET_R_BIT(MPIDI_Request_getPeerRank_pami(rreq),(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sync_com_in_HH);
+  TRACE_SET_R_BIT(MPIDI_Request_getPeerRank_pami(rreq),(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.matchedInHH);
+  TRACE_SET_R_VAL(MPIDI_Request_getPeerRank_pami(rreq),(rreq->mpid.idx),bufadd,rreq->mpid.userbuf);
@@ -228,10 +224,7 @@ MPIDI_RzvAck_proc_req(pami_context_t   context,
       MPID_assert(rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);
-#ifdef  MPIDI_TRACE
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[(req->mpid.partner_id)].S[(req->mpid.idx)].recvAck=1;
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(req->mpid.partner_id,(req->mpid.idx),fl.f.recvAck);
   MPIDI_SendDoneCB(context, req, PAMI_SUCCESS);
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
index c71acba..8e68aa9 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c
@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ MPIDI_SendDoneCB(pami_context_t   context,
                  void           * clientdata,
                  pami_result_t    result)
-  MPID_Request * req = (MPID_Request *) clientdata;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[(req->mpid.partner_id)].S[(req->mpid.idx)].sendComp=1;
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT((((MPID_Request *) clientdata)->mpid.partner_id),(((MPID_Request *) clientdata)->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendComp);
@@ -198,11 +195,9 @@ void MPIDI_Recvq_process_out_of_order_msgs(pami_task_t src, pami_context_t conte
             rreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE;
-       rreq->mpid.idx = ooreq->mpid.idx;
-       MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].matchedInOOL=1;
-       MPIDI_Trace_buf[src].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].rlen=dt_size;
+        TRACE_SET_REQ_VAL(rreq->mpid.idx,ooreq->mpid.idx);
+        TRACE_SET_R_BIT(src,(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.matchedInOOL);
+        TRACE_SET_R_VAL(src,(rreq->mpid.idx),rlen,dt_size);
         ooreq->comm = rreq->comm;
         ooreq->mpid.userbuf = rreq->mpid.userbuf;
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recv.h b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recv.h
index 8ff9f10..5bb63df 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recv.h
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recv.h
@@ -190,13 +190,7 @@ MPIDI_Recv(void          * buf,
                                 comm->recvcontext_id + context_offset,
-  size_t ll;
-  ll = count * MPID_Datatype_get_basic_size(datatype);
-  MPIDI_SET_PR_REC(rreq,buf,count,ll,datatype,pami_source,rank,tag,comm,is_blocking);
+  MPIDI_SET_PR_REC(rreq,buf,count,datatype,pami_source,rank,tag,comm,is_blocking);
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* populate request with our data                                    */
@@ -212,6 +206,7 @@ MPIDI_Recv(void          * buf,
   if (unlikely(found))
+      TRACE_SET_R_VAL(pami_source,(rreq->mpid.PR_idx),len,rreq->mpid.uebuflen);
       MPIDI_RecvMsg_Unexp(rreq, buf, count, datatype);
       mpi_errno = rreq->status.MPI_ERROR;
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recvmsg.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recvmsg.c
index e070efd..71191f9 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recvmsg.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recvmsg.c
@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@ MPIDI_RecvMsg_Unexp(MPID_Request  * rreq,
   /* The recvnew callback will acknowledge the posted messages    */
   /* Recv functions will ack the messages that are unexpected     */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[(rreq->mpid.partner_id)].R[(rreq->mpid.idx)].matchedInUQ=1;
+  TRACE_SET_R_BIT((rreq->mpid.partner_id),(rreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.matchedInUQ);
   if (MPIDI_Request_isRzv(rreq))
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
index 5b00299..805d310 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
@@ -73,15 +73,13 @@ MPIDI_SendMsg_short(pami_context_t    context,
   MPID_assert(rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);
- MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].mode=params.dispatch;
+ TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno & SEQMASK),mode,params.dispatch);
  if (!isSync) {
-     MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].NoComp=1;
-     MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendShort=1;
- } else
-     MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendEnvelop=1;
+     TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.NoComp);
+     TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.sendShort);
+ } else {
+     TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.envelope.msginfo.MPIseqno & SEQMASK),fl.f.sendEnvelop);
+ }
   MPIDI_SendDoneCB_inline(context, sreq, PAMI_SUCCESS);
@@ -128,10 +126,8 @@ MPIDI_SendMsg_eager(pami_context_t    context,
   pami_result_t rc;
   rc = PAMI_Send(context, &params);
   MPID_assert(rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].mode=MPIDI_Protocols_Eager;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendEager=1;
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),mode,MPIDI_Protocols_Eager);
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendEager);
@@ -239,14 +235,12 @@ MPIDI_SendMsg_rzv(pami_context_t    context,
   rc = PAMI_Send_immediate(context, &params);
   MPID_assert(rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].bufaddr=sreq->mpid.envelope.data;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].mode=MPIDI_Protocols_RVZ;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendRzv=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendEnvelop=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].memRegion=sreq->mpid.envelope.memregion_used;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].use_pami_get=MPIDI_Process.mp_s_use_pami_get;
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),bufaddr,sreq->mpid.envelope.data);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),mode,MPIDI_Protocols_RVZ);
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendRzv);
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendEnvelop);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.memRegion,sreq->mpid.envelope.memregion_used);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.use_pami_get,MPIDI_Process.mp_s_use_pami_get);
@@ -299,14 +293,12 @@ MPIDI_SendMsg_rzv_zerobyte(pami_context_t    context,
   rc = PAMI_Send_immediate(context, &params);
   MPID_assert(rc == PAMI_SUCCESS);
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].bufaddr=sreq->mpid.envelope.data;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].mode=MPIDI_Protocols_RVZ_zerobyte;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendRzv=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].sendEnvelop=1;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].memRegion=sreq->mpid.envelope.memregion_used;
-  MPIDI_Trace_buf[dest].S[(sreq->mpid.idx)].use_pami_get=MPIDI_Process.mp_s_use_pami_get;
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),bufaddr,sreq->mpid.envelope.data);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),mode,MPIDI_Protocols_RVZ_zerobyte);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.memRegion,sreq->mpid.envelope.memregion_used);
+  TRACE_SET_S_VAL(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.use_pami_get,MPIDI_Process.mp_s_use_pami_get);
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendRzv);
+  TRACE_SET_S_BIT(dest,(sreq->mpid.idx),fl.f.sendEnvelop);
@@ -440,10 +432,7 @@ if (!TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON) {
       MPIDI_SendMsg_process_userdefined_dt(sreq, &sndbuf, &data_sz);
-   sreq->mpid.partner_id=dest;
-   MPIDI_GET_S_REC(sreq,context,isSync,data_sz);
+  MPIDI_GET_S_REC(dest_tid,sreq,context,isSync,data_sz);
@@ -519,10 +508,7 @@ if (!TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON) {
     if (!(sreq->mpid.userbufcount))
-        sreq->mpid.partner_id=dest;
-        MPIDI_GET_S_REC(sreq,context,isSync,0);
+        MPIDI_GET_S_REC(dest_tid,sreq,context,isSync,0);
         TRACE_ERR("Sending(short,intranode) bytes=%u (short_limit=%u)\n", data_sz, MPIDI_Process.short_limit);
@@ -548,10 +534,7 @@ if (!TOKEN_FLOW_CONTROL_ON) {
           MPIDI_SendMsg_process_userdefined_dt(sreq, &sndbuf, &data_sz);
-       sreq->mpid.partner_id=dest;
-       MPIDI_GET_S_REC(sreq,context,isSync,data_sz);
+       MPIDI_GET_S_REC(dest_tid,sreq,context,isSync,data_sz);
        if (unlikely(PAMIX_Task_is_local(dest_tid) != 0))  noRDMA=1;


commit fe43008c712fe7f33564e7d1179b9997087efe36
Author: Su Huang <suhuang at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Tue May 21 14:23:46 2013 -0400

    Multi mpi fail with token flow control and euidevelop=deb
     (ibm) D190610
     (ibm) e7d1baff8b4609f5a81f8bd93a52e13d56dc9c30
     (ibm) c914bf17412e2d0d16c44d7877ff7bd628599056
    Signed-off-by: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_bufmm.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_bufmm.c
index 4414359..0134556 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_bufmm.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_bufmm.c
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void MPIDI_calc_tokens(int nTasks,uint *eager_limit_in, unsigned long *buf_mem_i
           if (MPIDI_tfctrl_enabled < 2) {
              /* Sometimes we are off by 1 - due to integer arithmetic. */
              new_buf_mem_max = (2 * nTasks * MIN_BUF_BKT_SIZE);
-             if ( new_buf_mem_max <= BUFFER_MEM_MAX ) {
+             if ( (new_buf_mem_max <= BUFFER_MEM_MAX) && (!application_set_buf_mem) ) {
                  MPIDI_tfctrl_enabled = 2;
                  /* Reset val to mini (64) because the for loop above     */
                  /* would have changed it to 32.                          */
@@ -206,6 +206,13 @@ void MPIDI_calc_tokens(int nTasks,uint *eager_limit_in, unsigned long *buf_mem_i
                  /* Still not enough ...... Turn off eager send protocol */
                  MPIDI_tfctrl_enabled = 0;
                  val = 0;
+                 if (((MPIDI_Process.verbose >= MPIDI_VERBOSE_SUMMARY_0)|| (MPIDI_Process.mp_infolevel > 0))
+                      && (MPIR_Process.comm_world->rank == 0)) {
+                      if ( application_set_buf_mem ) {
+                           printf("ATTENTION: MP_BUFFER_MEM=%d was set too low, eager send protocol is disabled\n",
+                                   *buf_mem_in); 
+                      }
+                 }
diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_env.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_env.c
index c14c617..ee1c799 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_env.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_env.c
@@ -1213,10 +1213,12 @@ int  MPIDI_get_buf_mem(unsigned long *buf_mem,unsigned long *buf_mem_max)
      int pre_alloc_val=0;
      unsigned long buf_max_val;
      int  has_error = 0;
+     extern int application_set_buf_mem;
      if (cp = getenv("MP_BUFFER_MEM")) {
          pre_alloc_buf[24] = '\0';
          buf_max[24] = '\0';
+         application_set_buf_mem=1;
          if ( (buf_max_cp = strchr(cp, ',')) ) {
            if ( *(++buf_max_cp)  == '\0' ) {
               /* Error: missing buffer_mem_max */
@@ -1261,7 +1263,7 @@ int  MPIDI_get_buf_mem(unsigned long *buf_mem,unsigned long *buf_mem_max)
                  *buf_mem     = (int) pre_alloc_val;
              if (buf_max_val > ONE_SHARED_SEGMENT)
                  *buf_mem = ONE_SHARED_SEGMENT;
-             if (buf_max_val  > *buf_mem_max)
+             if (buf_max_val != *buf_mem_max)
                   *buf_mem_max = buf_max_val;
          } else {
             args_in_error += 1;


commit d0c1c15acd0ed286c737570399e075f08b63e6fe
Author: Haizhu Liu <haizhu at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Wed May 22 10:23:06 2013 -0400

    Correct a 0 byte malloc failure on AIX
     (ibm) D190401
     (ibm) 63bc0c36a880f4ce52812aa447ba32d2968aa8f8
    Signed-off-by: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
index d6308dd..5b00299 100644
--- a/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
+++ b/src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c
@@ -355,24 +355,28 @@ MPIDI_SendMsg_process_userdefined_dt(MPID_Request      * sreq,
       MPID_Segment segment;
-      sreq->mpid.uebuf = sndbuf = MPIU_Malloc(data_sz);
-      if (unlikely(sndbuf == NULL))
-        {
-          sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE;
-          sreq->status.count = 0;
-          MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, -1,
-                     "Unable to allocate non-contiguous buffer");
-        }
-      sreq->mpid.uebuf_malloc = mpiuMalloc;
-      DLOOP_Offset last = data_sz;
-      MPID_Segment_init(sreq->mpid.userbuf,
-                        sreq->mpid.userbufcount,
-                        sreq->mpid.datatype,
-                        &segment,
-                        0);
-      MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, sndbuf);
-      MPID_assert(last == data_sz);
+      if(data_sz != 0) {
+        sreq->mpid.uebuf = sndbuf = MPIU_Malloc(data_sz);
+        if (unlikely(sndbuf == NULL))
+          {
+            sreq->status.MPI_ERROR = MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE;
+            sreq->status.count = 0;
+            MPID_Abort(NULL, MPI_ERR_NO_SPACE, -1,
+                       "Unable to allocate non-contiguous buffer");
+          }
+        sreq->mpid.uebuf_malloc = mpiuMalloc;
+        DLOOP_Offset last = data_sz;
+        MPID_Segment_init(sreq->mpid.userbuf,
+                          sreq->mpid.userbufcount,
+                          sreq->mpid.datatype,
+                          &segment,
+                          0);
+        MPID_Segment_pack(&segment, 0, &last, sndbuf);
+        MPID_assert(last == data_sz);
+      } else {
+	sndbuf = NULL;
+      }
   *_sndbuf = sndbuf;


commit 709a3b3f17abf85d3055824d1a0bd6977e64b2f7
Author: Haizhu Liu <haizhu at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Thu May 2 16:00:06 2013 -0400

    Correct dlopen for libpoe on AIX
     (ibm) 486b8880571b34205490a14e5069fa001552ca0c
     (ibm) 8b26dda74b1eebf622cac10b3ad004f98a7d9970
     (ibm) D189717
    Signed-off-by: Michael Blocksome <blocksom at us.ibm.com>

diff --git a/src/pmi/pmi2/poe/poe2pmi.c b/src/pmi/pmi2/poe/poe2pmi.c
index 4fa1fa0..3a3abc0 100644
--- a/src/pmi/pmi2/poe/poe2pmi.c
+++ b/src/pmi/pmi2/poe/poe2pmi.c
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
  *  (C) 2007 by Argonne National Laboratory.
  *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include "mpichconf.h"
 #include "pmi2.h"
@@ -85,10 +84,21 @@ int PMI2_Init(int *spawned, int *size, int *rank, int *appnum)
     int ret;
     int (*pmi2_init)(int*, int*, int *, int*);
-    poeptr = dlopen("libpoe.so",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
+    char *poelibname;
+    int   poeflags;
+#ifndef __AIX__
+    poelibname = "libpoe.so";
+    poeflags   = RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL;
+    if(sizeof(void *) == 8)
+      poelibname = "libpoe_r.a(poe64_r.o)";
+    else
+      poelibname = "libpoe_r.a(poe_r.o)";
+    poeptr = dlopen(poelibname, poeflags);
     if (poeptr == NULL) {
-        TRACE_ERR("failed to open libpoe.so\n");
+        TRACE_ERR("failed to open %s error=%s\n", poelibname, dlerror());
     pmi2_init = (int (*)())dlsym(poeptr, "PMI2_Init");


Summary of changes:
 src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_datatypes.h        |    1 +
 src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidi_trace.h            |  136 ++++++++++--
 src/mpid/pamid/include/mpidpre.h                |    3 -
 src/mpid/pamid/include/mpix.h                   |   78 ++++++-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.c                 |   38 ++---
 src/mpid/pamid/src/mpid_recvq.h                 |   40 ++---
 src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_bufmm.c                |    9 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/mpidi_env.c                  |    4 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/mpix/mpix.c                  |  258 +++++++++++++++++++----
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_eager.c |    8 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_rzv.c   |   18 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_short.c |    8 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_callback_util.c  |   20 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_control.c        |   15 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_done.c           |   16 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recv.h           |    9 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_recvmsg.c        |    4 +-
 src/mpid/pamid/src/pt2pt/mpidi_sendmsg.c        |  106 ++++-----
 src/pmi/pmi2/poe/poe2pmi.c                      |   18 ++-
 19 files changed, 538 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

MPICH primary repository

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