[mpich-commits] [mpich] MPICH primary repository branch, master, updated. v3.0.4-310-gef0c452

mysql vizuser noreply at mpich.org
Fri Jun 21 14:14:04 CDT 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "MPICH primary repository".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  ef0c452628efb4e63b1b69aff05335c1ced77434 (commit)
      from  08c22ebe9f47923b56a19770200fccf48187ee92 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit ef0c452628efb4e63b1b69aff05335c1ced77434
Author: Ken Raffenetti <raffenet at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Fri Jun 21 14:13:30 2013 -0500

    Revert "Debugger changes from IBM."
    This change causes the build to break with --enable-debuginfo
    This reverts commit 08c22ebe9f47923b56a19770200fccf48187ee92.

diff --git a/src/mpi/debugger/dbginit.c b/src/mpi/debugger/dbginit.c
index fccc557..57227e5 100644
--- a/src/mpi/debugger/dbginit.c
+++ b/src/mpi/debugger/dbginit.c
@@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ typedef struct MPIR_Sendq {
     MPID_Request *sreq;
     int tag, rank, context_id;
     struct MPIR_Sendq *next;
-    struct MPIR_Sendq *prev;
 } MPIR_Sendq;
 MPIR_Sendq *MPIR_Sendq_head = 0;
@@ -334,7 +333,6 @@ void MPIR_Sendq_remember( MPID_Request *req,
 	p = (MPIR_Sendq *)MPIU_Malloc( sizeof(MPIR_Sendq) );
 	if (!p) {
 	    /* Just ignore it */
-            req->mpid.next = NULL;
             goto fn_exit;
@@ -343,10 +341,7 @@ void MPIR_Sendq_remember( MPID_Request *req,
     p->rank       = rank;
     p->context_id = context_id;
     p->next       = MPIR_Sendq_head;
-    p->prev       = NULL;
     MPIR_Sendq_head = p;
-    if (p->next) p->next->prev = p;
-    req->mpid.next = (MPID_Request *)p; /* overload 'next' for debugger SEND queue */
@@ -356,19 +351,22 @@ void MPIR_Sendq_forget( MPID_Request *req )
     MPIR_Sendq *p, *prev;
-    p    = (MPIR_Sendq *)req->mpid.next;
-    if (!p) {
-        /* Just ignore it */
-        return;
+    p    = MPIR_Sendq_head;
+    prev = 0;
+    while (p) {
+	if (p->sreq == req) {
+	    if (prev) prev->next = p->next;
+	    else MPIR_Sendq_head = p->next;
+	    /* Return this element to the pool */
+	    p->next = pool;
+	    pool    = p;
+	    break;
+	}
+	prev = p;
+	p    = p->next;
-    prev = p->prev;
-    if (prev != NULL) prev->next = p->next;
-    else MPIR_Sendq_head = p->next;
-    if (p->next != NULL) p->next->prev = prev;
-    /* Return this element to the pool */
-    p->next = pool;
-    pool    = p;
+    /* If we don't find the request, just ignore it */
diff --git a/src/mpi/debugger/dll_mpich.c b/src/mpi/debugger/dll_mpich.c
index cf957eb..5578a31 100644
--- a/src/mpi/debugger/dll_mpich.c
+++ b/src/mpi/debugger/dll_mpich.c
@@ -308,54 +308,57 @@ int mqs_image_has_queues (mqs_image *image, char **message)
        request definition */
 	mqs_type *req_type = dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPID_Request", mqs_lang_c );
-    if (req_type) {
-	    int mpid_offs;
+	if (req_type) {
+	    int dev_offs;
 	    have_req = 1;
-	    mpid_offs = dbgr_field_offset( req_type, (char *)"mpid" );
+	    dev_offs = dbgr_field_offset( req_type, (char *)"dev" );
 	    i_info->req_status_offs = dbgr_field_offset( req_type, (char *)"status" );
 	    i_info->req_cc_offs     = dbgr_field_offset( req_type, (char *)"cc" );
-	    if (mpid_offs >= 0) {
+	    if (dev_offs >= 0) {
 		mqs_type *dreq_type = dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPIDI_Request", 
 						      mqs_lang_c );
-		i_info->req_mpid_offs = mpid_offs;
+		i_info->req_dev_offs = dev_offs;
 		if (dreq_type) {
-		    int loff, envelope_offs;
+		    int loff, match_offs;
 		    have_dreq = 1;
 		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"next" );
-		    i_info->req_next_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
-		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"userbuf" );
-		    i_info->req_userbuf_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
-		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"userbufcount" );
-		    i_info->req_userbufcount_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
+		    i_info->req_next_offs = dev_offs + loff;
+		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"user_buf" );
+		    i_info->req_user_buf_offs = dev_offs + loff;
+		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"user_count" );
+		    i_info->req_user_count_offs = dev_offs + loff;
 		    loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"datatype" );
-		    i_info->req_datatype_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
-            loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"uebuflen" );
-            i_info->req_uebuflen_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
-            loff = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"uebuf" );
-            i_info->req_uebuf_offs = mpid_offs + loff;
-		    envelope_offs = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"envelope" );
-            envelope_offs += mpid_offs ;
-		    if (envelope_offs >= 0) {
-			mqs_type *envelope_type = dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPIDI_MsgEnvelope", mqs_lang_c );
-			if (envelope_type) {
-			    int msginfo_offs= dbgr_field_offset( envelope_type, (char *)"msginfo" );
-                msginfo_offs = envelope_offs + msginfo_offs;
-			    if (msginfo_offs >= 0) {
-				mqs_type *msginfo_type= dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPIDI_MsgInfo", mqs_lang_c );
-				if (msginfo_type) {
+		    i_info->req_datatype_offs = dev_offs + loff;
+		    match_offs = dbgr_field_offset( dreq_type, (char *)"match" );
+		    /*
+		      Current definition from the mpidpre.h file for ch3.
+		      typedef struct MPIDI_Message_match_parts {
+		      int32_t tag;
+		      MPIR_Rank_t rank;
+		      MPIR_Context_id_t context_id;
+		      } MPIDI_Message_match_parts_t;
+		      typedef union {
+		      MPIDI_Message_match_parts_t parts;
+		      MPIR_Upint whole;
+		      } MPIDI_Message_match;
+		    */
+		    if (match_offs >= 0) {
+			mqs_type *match_type = dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPIDI_Message_match", mqs_lang_c );
+			if (match_type) {
+			    int parts_offs = dbgr_field_offset( match_type, (char *)"parts" );
+			    if (parts_offs >= 0) {
+				mqs_type *parts_type = dbgr_find_type( image, (char *)"MPIDI_Message_match_parts_t", mqs_lang_c );
+				if (parts_type) {
 				    int moff;
-				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( msginfo_type, (char *)"MPItag" );
-				    i_info->req_tag_offs = msginfo_offs + moff;
-				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( msginfo_type, (char *)"MPIrank" );
-				    i_info->req_rank_offs = msginfo_offs + moff;
-				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( msginfo_type, (char *)"MPIctxt" );
-				    i_info->req_context_id_offs = msginfo_offs + moff;
+				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( parts_type, (char *)"tag" );
+				    i_info->req_tag_offs = dev_offs + match_offs + moff;
+				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( parts_type, (char *)"rank" );
+				    i_info->req_rank_offs = dev_offs + match_offs + moff;
+				    moff = dbgr_field_offset( parts_type, (char *)"context_id" );
+				    i_info->req_context_id_offs = dev_offs + match_offs + moff;
@@ -642,7 +645,7 @@ static int fetch_receive (mqs_process *proc, mpich_process_info *p_info,
     while (base != 0) {
 	/* Check this entry to see if the context matches */
-	int actual_context = fetch_int16( proc, base + i_info->req_context_id_offs, p_info );
+	int16_t actual_context = fetch_int16( proc, base + i_info->req_context_id_offs, p_info );
@@ -651,39 +654,27 @@ static int fetch_receive (mqs_process *proc, mpich_process_info *p_info,
 	if (actual_context == wanted_context) {
 	    /* Found a request for this communicator */
 	    int tag = fetch_int( proc, base + i_info->req_tag_offs, p_info );
-	    int rank = fetch_int( proc, base + i_info->req_rank_offs, p_info );
+	    int rank = fetch_int16( proc, base + i_info->req_rank_offs, p_info );
 	    int is_complete   = fetch_int ( proc, base + i_info->req_cc_offs, p_info);
-        mqs_taddr_t buffer = 0;
-        unsigned buf_count = -1;
-        int datatype;
-        datatype = fetch_int(proc, base + i_info->req_datatype_offs, p_info);
-        if(look_for_user_buffer)
-         {
-             buffer = fetch_pointer(proc, base + i_info->req_userbuf_offs, p_info);
-             buf_count = fetch_int(proc, base + i_info->req_userbufcount_offs, p_info);
-         }else{
-             /* unexpected buffer*/
-             buffer = fetch_pointer(proc, base + i_info->req_uebuf_offs, p_info);
-             buf_count = fetch_int(proc, base + i_info->req_uebuflen_offs, p_info);
-         }
-        /* Return -1 for ANY_TAG or ANY_SOURCE */
+	    mqs_tword_t user_buffer = fetch_pointer( proc,base+i_info->req_user_buf_offs, p_info);
+	    int   user_count  = fetch_int( proc,base + i_info->req_user_count_offs, p_info );
+	    /* Return -1 for ANY_TAG or ANY_SOURCE */
 	    res->desired_tag         = (tag >= 0) ? tag : -1;
 	    res->desired_local_rank  = (rank >= 0) ? rank : -1;
 	    res->desired_global_rank = -1;   /* Convert to rank in comm world,
 						if valid (in mpi-2, may
 						not be available) */
-	    res->desired_length      = buf_count; /* Count, not bytes */
+	    res->desired_length      = user_count; /* Count, not bytes */
 	    res->tag_wild = (tag < 0);
-	    res->buffer             = buffer;
+	    res->buffer             = user_buffer;
 	    /* We don't know the rest of these */
 	    res->system_buffer      = 0;
 	    res->actual_local_rank  = rank;
 	    res->actual_global_rank = -1;
 	    res->actual_tag         = tag;
-	    res->actual_length      = buf_count;
+	    res->actual_length      = -1;
 	    res->extra_text[0][0]   = 0;
 	    res->status = (is_complete != 0) ? mqs_st_pending : mqs_st_complete; 
@@ -804,7 +795,7 @@ static int fetch_send (mqs_process *proc, mpich_process_info *p_info,
     if (base) {
-	fprintf( debugfp, "comm ptr = %p, comm context = %d\n", 
+	fprintf( debugf, "comm ptr = %p, comm context = %d\n", 
 		 comm, comm->context_id );
@@ -827,13 +818,13 @@ static int fetch_send (mqs_process *proc, mpich_process_info *p_info,
 	    mqs_taddr_t data   = 0;
 	    mqs_taddr_t sreq = fetch_pointer(proc, base+i_info->sendq_req_offs, p_info );
 	    mqs_tword_t is_complete = fetch_int( proc, sreq+i_info->req_cc_offs, p_info );
-	    data = fetch_pointer( proc, sreq+i_info->req_userbuf_offs, p_info );
-	    length = fetch_int( proc, sreq+i_info->req_userbufcount_offs, p_info );
+	    data = fetch_pointer( proc, sreq+i_info->req_user_buf_offs, p_info );
+	    length = fetch_int( proc, sreq+i_info->req_user_count_offs, p_info );
 	    /* mqs_tword_t complete=0; */
-	    fprintf( debugfp, "sendq entry = %p, rank off = %d, tag off = %d, context = %d\n", 
+	    fprintf( debugpf, "sendq entry = %p, rank off = %d, tag off = %d, context = %d\n", 
 		    base, i_info->sendq_rank_offs, i_info->sendq_tag_offs, actual_context );
@@ -1110,14 +1101,14 @@ static mqs_tword_t fetch_int (mqs_process * proc, mqs_taddr_t addr,
 	dbgr_target_to_host (proc, buffer, 
 			     ((char *)&res) + (host_is_big_endian ? sizeof(mqs_tword_t)-isize : 0), 
     return res;
 static mqs_tword_t fetch_int16 (mqs_process * proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, 
 				mpich_process_info *p_info)
     char buffer[8];			/* ASSUME an integer fits in 8 bytes */
-    mqs_tword_t res = 0;
+    int16_t res = 0;
     if (mqs_ok == dbgr_fetch_data (proc, addr, 2, buffer))
 	dbgr_target_to_host (proc, buffer, 
diff --git a/src/mpi/debugger/mpich_dll_defs.h b/src/mpi/debugger/mpich_dll_defs.h
index 561dfba..c66c39a 100644
--- a/src/mpi/debugger/mpich_dll_defs.h
+++ b/src/mpi/debugger/mpich_dll_defs.h
@@ -32,16 +32,14 @@ typedef struct
     /* Fields in MPID_Request (including structures within the request) */
     int req_status_offs;
     int req_cc_offs;
-    int req_mpid_offs;
+    int req_dev_offs;
     int req_next_offs;
     int req_tag_offs;
     int req_rank_offs;
     int req_context_id_offs;
-    int req_userbuf_offs;
-    int req_userbufcount_offs;
+    int req_user_buf_offs;
+    int req_user_count_offs;
     int req_datatype_offs;
-    int req_uebuf_offs;
-    int req_uebuflen_offs;
     /* Fields in MPIR_Sendq */
     int sendq_next_offs;


Summary of changes:
 src/mpi/debugger/dbginit.c        |   32 +++++-----
 src/mpi/debugger/dll_mpich.c      |  117 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/mpi/debugger/mpich_dll_defs.h |    8 +--
 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

MPICH primary repository

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