[mpich-commits] [mpich] MPICH primary repository branch, master, updated. v3.1rc2-225-g8ecbe2e
mysql vizuser
noreply at mpich.org
Tue Feb 4 10:20:24 CST 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "MPICH primary repository".
The branch, master has been updated
via 8ecbe2e4d67f08ddf933dfc9322d88b5edf3be2d (commit)
from 2dd048cb1db9e039399f6df8bf93c116770e1b16 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8ecbe2e4d67f08ddf933dfc9322d88b5edf3be2d
Author: Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov>
Date: Mon Feb 3 21:49:15 2014 -0600
Remove .bat files.
No reviewer.
diff --git a/maint/makegcclibs.bat b/maint/makegcclibs.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e6f287..0000000
--- a/maint/makegcclibs.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\mpich.dll > mpichgcc.def
-REM Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\mpichd.dll > mpichgccd.def
-Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\mpichmpi.dll > mpichmpi.def
-REM Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\mpichmpid.dll > mpichmpid.def
-Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\fmpichg.dll > fmpichgcc.def
-REM Release\impgen.exe ..\lib\fmpichgd.dll > fmpichgccd.def
-dlltool --as /usr/bin/as --dllname mpich.dll --def mpichgcc.def --output-lib ..\lib\libmpich.a >> ..\make.log
-REM dlltool --dllname mpichd.dll --def mpichgccd.def --output-lib ..\lib\libmpichd.a
-dlltool --as /usr/bin/as --dllname mpichmpi.dll --def mpichmpi.def --output-lib ..\lib\libmpi.a >> ..\make.log
-REM dlltool --dllname mpichmpid.dll --def mpichmpid.def --output-lib ..\lib\libmpid.a
-dlltool --as /usr/bin/as --dllname fmpichg.dll --def fmpichgcc.def --output-lib ..\lib\libfmpichg.a >> ..\make.log
-REM dlltool --dllname fmpichgd.dll --def fmpichgccd.def --output-lib ..\lib\libfmpichgd.a
-REM Building MPI CXX Interface lib
-bash -c "g++ -I ../src/include -I ../src/include/win32 -c ../src/binding/cxx/initcxx.cxx -o initcxx.o" >> ..\make.log
-ar rvs ../lib/libmpicxx.a initcxx.o >> ..\make.log
-del mpichgcc.def
-REM del mpichgccd.def
-del mpichmpi.def
-REM del mpichmpid.def
-del fmpichgcc.def
-REM del fmpichgccd.def
diff --git a/maint/makegcclibs_64.bat b/maint/makegcclibs_64.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 938c881..0000000
--- a/maint/makegcclibs_64.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\impgen.exe ..\winbuild\x64\Release\mpi\mpichmpi.dll > ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\mpichmpigcc.def
-..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\impgen.exe ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gfortran\fmpichg.dll > ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\fmpichgcc.def
-x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool --dllname mpichmpi.dll --def ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\mpichmpigcc.def --output-lib ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\libmpi.a >> ..\make.log
-x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool --dllname fmpichg.dll --def ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\fmpichgcc.def --output-lib ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\libfmpichg.a >> ..\make.log
-REM Building MPI CXX Interface lib
-bash -c "x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -I ../src/include -I ../src/include/win64 -c ../src/binding/cxx/initcxx.cxx -o ../winbuild/x64/Release/gcc/initcxx.o" >> ..\make.log
-x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rvs ../winbuild/x64/Release/gcc/libmpicxx.a ../winbuild/x64/Release/gcc/initcxx.o >> ..\make.log
-del ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\mpichmpigcc.def
-del ..\winbuild\x64\Release\gcc\fmpichgcc.def
diff --git a/makewindist.bat b/makewindist.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 9957b60..0000000
--- a/makewindist.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-IF "%1" == "" GOTO HELP
-IF "%1" == "--help" GOTO HELP
-REM ### SVN_HOST = SVN URL for extracting source code
-REM ### UNIX_HOST = Host used for running scripts remotely
-IF "%SVN_HOST%" == "" set SVN_HOST=https://svn.mcs.anl.gov
-IF "%UNIX_HOST%" == "" set UNIX_HOST=shakey.mcs.anl.gov
-REM Usage:
-REM makewindist --help
-REM display this help message
-REM makewindist --with-checkout
-REM 1) check out mpich from cvs
-REM the environment variable USERNAME is used to checkout mpich
-REM If this variable is not set or is set to the wrong mcs user:
-REM set USERNAME=mymcsusername
-REM 2) configure
-REM 3) build the release
-REM this will create an mpich directory under the current directory
-REM (The "--with-checkout" option is for ANL INTERNAL USE ONLY)
-REM makewindist --with-configure
-REM 1) configure the current directory
-REM 2) build the release
-REM mpich must be the current directory
-REM (The "--with-configure" option is for ANL INTERNAL USE ONLY)
-REM makewindist --with-curdir
-REM 1) build the release
-REM mpich must be the current directory and it must have been configured
-REM (Use the "--with-curdir" option if you downloaded the MPICH source
-REM from the MPICH downloads webpage)
-REM makewindist [%1] --win64
-REM Builds x86_64 windows binaries/installer
-REM Prerequisites:
-REM Microsoft Developer Studio .NET 2003 or later
-REM Intel Fortran 8.0 or later
-REM cygwin with at least ssh, cvs, and perl
-REM cygwin must be in your path so commands like cvs can be executed
-REM This batch file should be run in a command prompt with the MS DevStudio environment variables set
-IF "%DevEnvDir%" == "" GOTO WARNING
-REM Warning: It is recommended that you use the prompt started from the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" shortcut in order to set the paths to the tools. You can also call vsvars32.bat to set the environment before running this script.
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto END
-IF "%1" == "--win64" GOTO HELP
-IF "%1" == "--with-checkout" GOTO CHECKOUT
-set CVS_RSH=ssh
-svn --username %USERNAME% export -r %2 %SVN_HOST%/repos/mpi/mpich2/trunk mpich
-svn --username %USERNAME% export -r HEAD %SVN_HOST%/repos/mpi/mpich2/trunk mpich
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto CVSERROR
-pushd mpich
-IF "%1" == "--with-configure" GOTO CONFIGURE
-echo cd /sandbox/%USERNAME% > sshcmds.txt
-echo mkdir dotintmp >> sshcmds.txt
-echo cd dotintmp >> sshcmds.txt
-if "%2" == "" GOTO EXPORT_HEAD
-echo svn export -r %2 %SVN_HOST%/repos/mpi/mpich2/trunk mpich >> sshcmds.txt
-echo svn export -r HEAD %SVN_HOST%/repos/mpi/mpich2/trunk mpich >> sshcmds.txt
-echo cd mpich >> sshcmds.txt
-echo maint/updatefiles >> sshcmds.txt
-echo tar cvf dotin.tar `find . -name "*.h.in"` >> sshcmds.txt
-echo gzip dotin.tar >> sshcmds.txt
-echo exit >> sshcmds.txt
-dos2unix sshcmds.txt
-ssh -l %USERNAME% %UNIX_HOST% < sshcmds.txt
-scp %USERNAME%@%UNIX_HOST%:/sandbox/%USERNAME%/dotintmp/mpich/dotin.tar.gz .
-ssh -l %USERNAME% %UNIX_HOST% rm -rf /sandbox/%USERNAME%/dotintmp
-del sshcmds.txt
-tar xvfz dotin.tar.gz
-del dotin.tar.gz
-cscript winconfigure.wsf --cleancode --enable-timer-type=queryperformancecounter
-IF "%1" == "--with-curdir" GOTO BUILD_RELEASE
-REM Unknown option: %1
-IF "%2" == "--win64" GOTO BUILD_WIN64
-REM Building the Debug targets
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /project mpichs /build ch3sockDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build Debug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build fortDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build gfortDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build sfortDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockmtDebug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com examples\examples.sln /project cpi /build Debug
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-IF "%2" == "--win64" GOTO BUILD_WIN64
-echo Building MPICH Release version on windows
-echo ===========================================
-echo Please refer to the MPICH Visual Studio sln file, mpich.sln, for
-echo more information on the various projects/configs built for MPICH
-echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
-echo Building CH3+SOCK channel ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockRelease > make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building mpichs project...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /project mpichs /build ch3sockRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building CH3+SOCK channel (profiled version)...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockPRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building mpichs project (profiled version)...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /project mpichs /build ch3sockPRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building MPI user lib, MPE, MPIEXEC, SMPD ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build Release >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building FORTRAN interface ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build fortPRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build fortRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build gfortRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build sfortRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building CH3+SOCK channel(multithreaded)...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockmtRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building CH3+SOCK channel(multithreaded - profiled version)...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3sockmtPRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building CH3+NEMESIS channel...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3nemesisRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building CH3+NEMESIS channel (profiled version)...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build ch3nemesisPRelease >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building C++ Interface ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /project cxx /build Release >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building RLOG tools ...
-devenv.com src\util\logging\rlog\rlogtools.sln /build Release >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-cd maint
-call makegcclibs.bat
-cd ..
-devenv.com examples\examples.sln /project cpi /build Release > make_example.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo Building MPICH installer ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build Installer >> make.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo MPICH build completed successfully.... - See make.log for the compiler output
-if "%CPU%" == "X64" goto AFTER_WIN64_SANITY_CHECK
-if "%CPU%" == "AMD64" goto AFTER_WIN64_SANITY_CHECK
-echo WARNING: WIN64 Build environment setup manually ...
-set CPU=x64
-set NODEBUG=1
-set APPVER=5.02
-echo Building MPICH x64 ...
-REM Adding hpc sdk import libs to PATH so that VS can detect it
-set PATH=%CCP_LIB64%;%PATH%
-cd winbuild
-CALL build.bat > ..\make_x64.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-cd ..
-echo Building MPICH examples ...
-devenv.com examples\examples.sln /project cpi /build "Release|x64" >> make_x64.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building GNU libs ...
-cd maint
-CALL makegcclibs_64.bat
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-cd ..
-echo Building Wrapper utils
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build "wrapperUtilRelease" >> make_x64.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo Building MPICH x64 installer ...
-devenv.com mpich.sln /build "Installerx64|x64" >> make_x64.log
-if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto BUILDERROR
-echo .....................................................SUCCESS
-echo MPICH x64 build completed successfully.... - See make_x64.log for the compiler output
-echo ERROR : BUILD FAILED ! - See make.log for details
-REM cvs returned a non-zero exit code while attempting to check out mpich
-IF "%1" == "--with-checkout" popd
diff --git a/test/mpi/testBuild.bat b/test/mpi/testBuild.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d5fc0..0000000
--- a/test/mpi/testBuild.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-IF "%MSVCInitScriptName%" == "" GOTO WARNING
-CALL %MSVCInitScriptName%
-IF "%DevEnvDir%" == "" GOTO WARNING
-REM Warning: It is recommended that you use the prompt started from the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" shortcut in order to set the paths to
- the tools. You can also call vsvars32.bat to set the environment before running this script.
-IF "%1" == "Debug" GOTO BUILDDEBUG
-devenv.com test.sln /build Release > maketest.log
-IF "%1" == "Release" GOTO END
-devenv.com test.sln /build Debug >> maketest.log
-REM #########################################
-REM Usage is : testBuild.bat [Debug, Release]
-REM If nothing is specified Debug & Release are built
-REM #########################################
diff --git a/test/mpi/winruntests.bat b/test/mpi/winruntests.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index da21d96..0000000
--- a/test/mpi/winruntests.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-IF '%1' == '' GOTO RUN_DEBUG
-IF '%1' == 'Debug' GOTO RUN_DEBUG
-IF '%1' == 'Release' GOTO RUN_RELEASE
-REM Usage: winruntests [config]
-REM config = Debug or Release
-cscript //T:3600 runtests.wsf /config:Release /channel:nemesis /out:summary_nemesis.xml
-cscript //T:3600 runtests.wsf /config:Release /channel:sock /out:summary.xml
-cscript //T:3600 runtests.wsf /config:Debug
-rem cleanup
-del test.ord
-del testfile
-del testfile.0
-del testfile.1
-del testfile.2
-del testfile.3
-del iotest.txt
-del cxx\io\iotest.txt
-del f77\io\iotest.txt
-del .test.ord.shfp.*
Summary of changes:
maint/makegcclibs.bat | 22 -----
maint/makegcclibs_64.bat | 12 ---
makewindist.bat | 237 ----------------------------------------------
test/mpi/testBuild.bat | 26 -----
test/mpi/winruntests.bat | 25 -----
5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 322 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 maint/makegcclibs.bat
delete mode 100644 maint/makegcclibs_64.bat
delete mode 100755 makewindist.bat
delete mode 100644 test/mpi/testBuild.bat
delete mode 100644 test/mpi/winruntests.bat
MPICH primary repository
More information about the commits
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