[mpich-commits] [mpich] MPICH primary repository branch, signed/rma-test-so, created. v3.2b3-114-g14099b3
Service Account
noreply at mpich.org
Tue Jun 23 13:34:37 CDT 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "MPICH primary repository".
The branch, signed/rma-test-so has been created
at 14099b3e7981be79fc920b54ed0a8f2d60cc9a7b (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 14099b3e7981be79fc920b54ed0a8f2d60cc9a7b
Author: Halim Amer <aamer at anl.gov>
Date: Mon Jun 22 22:32:01 2015 -0500
Added tests to stream ACC-like RMA ops
Signed-off-by: Min Si <msi at il.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Signed-off-by: Rob Latham <robl at mcs.anl.gov>
diff --git a/test/mpi/.gitignore b/test/mpi/.gitignore
index d5fcfe6..16f9ad8 100644
--- a/test/mpi/.gitignore
+++ b/test/mpi/.gitignore
@@ -537,6 +537,15 @@
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/Makefile.am b/test/mpi/rma/Makefile.am
index 656afc6..8b3b9d5 100644
--- a/test/mpi/rma/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/Makefile.am
@@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ noinst_PROGRAMS = \
lockcontention2 \
lockcontention3 \
lockopts \
+ lock_dt \
+ lock_dt_flush \
+ lock_dt_flushlocal \
+ lockall_dt \
+ lockall_dt_flush \
+ lockall_dt_flushall \
+ lockall_dt_flushlocal \
+ lockall_dt_flushlocalall\
+ lock_contention_dt \
contention_put \
contention_putget \
put_base \
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lock_contention_dt.c b/test/mpi/rma/lock_contention_dt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394f799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lock_contention_dt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test lock contention while streaming ACC-like operations";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int target = 1;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank != target) {
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, target, 0, win);
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, target, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(target, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, target, 0, win);
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype,
+ target, 0, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE,
+ win);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(target, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else { /* Target checks the result */
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt.c b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98d4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size, source, dest;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ source = 0;
+ dest = size - 1;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ /* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype,
+ dest, 0, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE,
+ win);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else if (rank == dest) {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flush.c b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flush.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9613c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flush.c
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock+flush";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size, source, dest;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ source = 0;
+ dest = size - 1;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush(dest, win);
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype,
+ dest, 0, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE,
+ win);
+ MPI_Win_flush(dest, win);
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else if (rank == dest) {
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ int err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flushlocal.c b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flushlocal.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd24e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lock_dt_flushlocal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock+flush_local";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size, source, dest;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ /* Determine the sender and receiver */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ source = 0;
+ dest = size - 1;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ MPI_Aint slb, sextent;
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(sendtype.datatype, &slb, &sextent);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush_local(dest, win);
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype,
+ dest, 0, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE,
+ win);
+ MPI_Win_flush_local(dest, win);
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else if (rank == dest) {
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ int err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, dest, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(dest, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt.c b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb7e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock_all";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ int source = 0;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ int dest;
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destinations to finish checking and reinitializing the buffers */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flush.c b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flush.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ddde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flush.c
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock_all+flush";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ int source = 0;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ int dest;
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush(dest, win);
+ }
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destinations to finish checking and reinitializing the buffers */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush(dest, win);
+ }
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushall.c b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushall.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fdf416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushall.c
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock_all+flush_all";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ int source = 0;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ int dest;
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_flush_all(win);
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_flush_all(win);
+ /*signal to dest that the ops are flushed so that it starts checking the result */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ /*make sure dest finishes checking the result before issuing unlock */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocal.c b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocal.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3726b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock_all+flush_local";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ int source = 0;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ int dest;
+ MPI_Aint slb, sextent;
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(sendtype.datatype, &slb, &sextent);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush_local(dest, win);
+ }
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destinations to finish checking and reinitializing the buffers */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ MPI_Win_flush_local(dest, win);
+ }
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocalall.c b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocalall.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d662fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/lockall_dt_flushlocalall.c
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
+ *
+ * (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mpitest.h"
+static char MTEST_Descrip[] = "Test for streaming ACC-like operations with lock_all+flush_local_all";
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int errs = 0;
+ int rank, size;
+ int minsize = 2, count;
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ MPI_Win win;
+ MPI_Aint lb, extent;
+ MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
+ MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
+ if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ continue;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
+ int source = 0;
+ while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
+ recvtype.printErrors = 1;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);
+ MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
+ (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
+ if (rank == source) {
+ int dest;
+ MPI_Aint slb, sextent;
+ MPI_Type_get_extent(sendtype.datatype, &slb, &sextent);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
+ recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_flush_local_all(win);
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ sendtype.InitBuf(&sendtype);
+ char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));
+ /*wait for the destination to finish checking and reinitializing the buffer */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
+ for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
+ if (dest != source) {
+ MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
+ sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
+ recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_flush_local_all(win);
+ /* reset the send buffer to test local completion */
+ memset(sendtype.buf, 0, slb + sextent * sendtype.count);
+ MPI_Win_unlock_all(win);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ free(resbuf);
+ }
+ else {
+ int err;
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ recvtype.InitBuf(&recvtype);
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Barrier(comm);
+ MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
+ err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
+ if (err)
+ errs++;
+ MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);
+ }
+ MPI_Win_free(&win);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&sendtype);
+ MTestFreeDatatype(&recvtype);
+ }
+ }
+ MTestFreeComm(&comm);
+ }
+ MTest_Finalize(errs);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/mpi/rma/testlist.in b/test/mpi/rma/testlist.in
index fbf65cc..5f59ccd 100644
--- a/test/mpi/rma/testlist.in
+++ b/test/mpi/rma/testlist.in
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ lockcontention2 4
lockcontention2 8
lockcontention3 8
lockopts 2
+lock_dt 2
+lock_dt_flush 2
+lock_dt_flushlocal 2
+lockall_dt 4
+lockall_dt_flush 4
+lockall_dt_flushall 4
+lockall_dt_flushlocal 4
+lockall_dt_flushlocalall 4
+lock_contention_dt 4
transpose4 2
fetchandadd 7
fetchandadd_tree 7
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