[mpich-devel] MPI_Alltoall routine

Antoine Rougier rougier at par.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Dec 10 11:00:56 CST 2013


I want to test my own Alltoall implementation. To do that, I would like
to modify MPIR_Alltoall_intra in src/mpi/coll/alltoall.c.
Before that, I have checked (using MPIU_DBG_MSG) that my compiled
version take the "good way":
good case", but it doesn't take this way. Instead of, in
MPIR_Alltoall_impl, it calls comm_ptr->collfns->Alltoall.

So I have two questions:
	- Is it the good way to add/modify some alltoall implementations ?
	- How to execute the good alltoall implementation ?

Best regards,

Antoine Rougier

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