[mpich-devel] odd timings in type create/free (related to handle pool?)

Balaji, Pavan balaji at anl.gov
Fri Oct 3 23:36:21 CDT 2014

Not directly.  But mpich has internal malloc/free like code for objects.  That was what I was referring to.

But clearly there’s something else going on which needs to be investigated.

  — Pavan

On Oct 3, 2014, at 11:19 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a malloc+free in this?  I suppose it is possible that
> ptmalloc is the issue.
> Jeff
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Balaji, Pavan <balaji at anl.gov> wrote:
>> Hmm.  My initial thought when I saw this email was that you are running out of the direct block set that MPICH allocates and falling into the indirect allocation, so the performance gets worse when you allocate too many objects.  But then I realized that you are freeing all of the structures as soon as you allocate them so that shouldn’t happen.  I added a few debug statements in mpich to verify that, and you are indeed only using three objects through the entire program.  No indirect blocks.  So now I’m no longer sure why the performance degradation is happening, but it’s certainly not expected.
>> A quick parse through the related code didn’t pop up anything weird.  I’ve created a ticket for it:
>> https://trac.mpich.org/projects/mpich/ticket/2184
>>  — Pavan
>> On Oct 3, 2014, at 5:36 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I wanted to time how long it took to create a datatype.  Obviously,
>>> timing a series of calls is the normal way to get reasonable data.
>>> However, I find that my test shows that the time per call is in some
>>> way proportional to the number of calls in the series, even when I
>>> reuse the same handle.  I previously timed on a vector of handles and
>>> saw the same result.
>>> I can only assume this is related to how MPICH does handle allocation
>>> internally.  Can you confirm?  Is there any way to get MPICH to
>>> garbage collect the internal handle pool so that the time per call
>>> goes back down again?  An increase from 4 us to 112 us per call is
>>> pretty substantial if I have a library that is going to use a lot of
>>> derived datatypes and has no reasonable way to cache them.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff
>>> create, commit (free?) 100 Type_contig_x in 0.000393 s (3.926220 us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 1000 Type_contig_x in 0.006105 s (6.105444 us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 10000 Type_contig_x in 0.082496 s (8.249623 us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 25000 Type_contig_x in 0.341852 s (13.674085 us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 50000 Type_contig_x in 1.280882 s (25.617630 us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 100000 Type_contig_x in 4.565911 s (45.659108
>>> us per call)
>>> create, commit (free?) 250000 Type_contig_x in 27.989672 s (111.958686
>>> us per call)
>>> #include <stdint.h>
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> #include <stdlib.h>
>>> #include <string.h>
>>> #include <limits.h>
>>> #include <math.h>
>>> #include <mpi.h>
>>> /* there is a reason for this silliness */
>>> static volatile int bigmpi_int_max = 3;
>>> int MPIX_Type_contiguous_x(MPI_Count count, MPI_Datatype oldtype,
>>> MPI_Datatype * newtype)
>>> {
>>>   MPI_Count c = count/bigmpi_int_max;
>>>   MPI_Count r = count%bigmpi_int_max;
>>>   MPI_Datatype chunks;
>>>   MPI_Type_vector(c, bigmpi_int_max, bigmpi_int_max, oldtype, &chunks);
>>>   MPI_Datatype remainder;
>>>   MPI_Type_contiguous(r, oldtype, &remainder);
>>>   MPI_Aint lb /* unused */, extent;
>>>   MPI_Type_get_extent(oldtype, &lb, &extent);
>>>   MPI_Aint remdisp          = (MPI_Aint)c*bigmpi_int_max*extent;
>>>   int blocklengths[2]       = {1,1};
>>>   MPI_Aint displacements[2] = {0,remdisp};
>>>   MPI_Datatype types[2]     = {chunks,remainder};
>>>   MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blocklengths, displacements, types, newtype);
>>>   MPI_Type_free(&chunks);
>>>   MPI_Type_free(&remainder);
>>>   return MPI_SUCCESS;
>>> }
>>> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
>>> {
>>>   int rank=0, size=1;
>>>   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
>>>   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
>>>   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
>>>   int n = (argc>1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 10000;
>>>   //MPI_Datatype * dtout = malloc(n*sizeof(MPI_Datatype));
>>>   MPI_Datatype dtout;
>>>   double t0 = MPI_Wtime();
>>>   for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
>>>       //MPIX_Type_contiguous_x((MPI_Count)i, MPI_DOUBLE, &(dtout[i]));
>>>       //MPI_Type_commit(&(dtout[i]));
>>>       MPIX_Type_contiguous_x((MPI_Count)i, MPI_DOUBLE, &dtout);
>>>       MPI_Type_commit(&dtout);
>>>       MPI_Type_free(&dtout);
>>>   }
>>>   double t1 = MPI_Wtime();
>>>   double dt = t1-t0;
>>>   printf("create, commit (free?) %d Type_contig_x in %lf s (%lf us
>>> per call)\n",
>>>           n, dt, 1.e6*dt/(double)n);
>>>   //for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
>>>   //    MPI_Type_free(&(dtout[i]));
>>>   //}
>>>   //free(dtout);
>>>   MPI_Finalize();
>>>   return 0;
>>> }
>>> --
>>> Jeff Hammond
>>> jeff.science at gmail.com
>>> http://jeffhammond.github.io/
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>> --
>> Pavan Balaji  ✉️
>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~balaji
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>> To manage subscription options or unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.mpich.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> -- 
> Jeff Hammond
> jeff.science at gmail.com
> http://jeffhammond.github.io/
> _______________________________________________
> To manage subscription options or unsubscribe:
> https://lists.mpich.org/mailman/listinfo/devel

Pavan Balaji  ✉️

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