[mpich-devel] Two issues with MPI_File error handling

Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at gmail.com
Thu May 7 11:34:35 CDT 2015

On 7 May 2015 at 18:44, Rob Latham <robl at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> 1) MPI_File_call_errhandler(file, value) should return MPI_SUCCESS
>> instead of value under normal operation (as the MPI spec says), and
>> particularly if the error handler is set to MPI_ERRORS_RETURN. This
>> bug is trivial to fix.
> Trivial to fix...if we only had to worry about  C and Fortran!

I'm probably missing something here, so I have to ask.

I said this was "trivial to fix" for the particular case of
MPI_ERRORS_RETURN. How should C++ bindings behave in case
MPI_ERRORS_RETURN is set? In other cases, I agree with you, fixing
this beast is not easy. However, you have a point about C++ bindings
being deprecated.

Lisandro Dalcin
Research Scientist
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering (CEMSE)
Numerical Porous Media Center (NumPor)
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

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