[mpich-devel] ../../coll/alltoall1.c:11:25: fatal error: mpicolltest.h: No such file or directory

Jeff Hammond jeff.science at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 17:58:50 CST 2015

I tried to build the MPICH test suite with Intel MPI and it fails here:

../../coll/alltoall1.c:11:25: fatal error: mpicolltest.h: No such file or

I got here by doing "make dist" in the test/mpi directory of the 3.2rc2
build and then unpacking the tarball mpich-testsuite-3.2rc2.tgz in a
separate directory.

Since I can find this file in the test tree, I think it is just missing
from the "make dist" export list.

[jrhammo at bowman-rps build-impi]$ find ~/MPICH/git/ -name mpicolltest.h



Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
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