[mpich-devel] ignoring status cost

William Gropp wgropp at illinois.edu
Fri May 27 08:40:34 CDT 2016

This was the motivation, more than avoiding declaring a variable that was never read in the user’s program.  There was evidence for this from Intel in the early ‘90s, though I don’t know if anyone has looked into it recently.


William Gropp
Director, Parallel Computing Institute
Thomas M. Siebel Chair in Computer Science
Chief Scientist, NCSA
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

On May 26, 2016, at 6:30 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it correct to assume that it is cheaper to check for MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE than to fill in the status object, in the case where the user does not need the status?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Hammond
> jeff.science at gmail.com
> http://jeffhammond.github.io/
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