[mpich-devel] Removing the --enable-error-messages=[level] configure option

Zhou, Hui zhouh at anl.gov
Wed Apr 3 09:48:48 CDT 2024

I want to draw your attention to a pull request (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/pmodels/mpich/pull/6950__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Z0Q_JoqFA2r7SkLiJkQr76fZRC6M-dSJ3MFTJfItvBu5o415oABIbOjB0WdXyfMuwFmlE60iIiY$ ) to remove the --enable-error-messages​ configure option. By default, MPICH maintains and will print an error stack on error abort, something like the following:

atal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPIR_Init_thread(377): Initialization failed
MPID_Init(90)........: channel initialization failed
MPID_Init(357).......: PMI_Init returned -1

 The other error message levels do not maintain such error stacks and will only print generic messages without instance details or simply no error messages. To my knowledge, no users are annoyed by the detailed error stack messages. Thus PR6950 removes the options altogether to simplify the code maintenance. After the PR, we'll always maintain the detailed error message stack. There are still CVAR variables `MPIR_CVAR_PRINT_ERROR_STACK` and `MPIR_CVAR_CHOP_ERROR_STACK` to control the verbosity of the error messages, as well as `MPIR_CVAR_ERROR_CHECKING` to enable/disable error checking.

I don't expect there will be an impact on users, but if you are using the --enable-error-messages​ configure option, please let us know.

Hui Zhou


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