[mpich-devel] Join us Wednesday, June 12th for an MPICH BoF as part of CASS Community BoF Days

Raffenetti, Ken raffenet at anl.gov
Mon Jun 10 10:39:39 CDT 2024


The MPICH team will host a Birds-of-a-Feather session this Wednesday, June 12th at 10am Central time as part of the first ever CASS Community BoF Days https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://cass.community/bofs.html__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!ffK7jZH4D9px4HoTwmjR5cEz1chr-kHnJIBBmSC1mRYWXd3ZIdY58wIjDTgxxMzvjggh1pxg7V4KPig$ . We hope to see folks there to discuss upcoming MPICH release plans and to hear presentations from MPICH users.

Date and Time: Wednesday, June 12th, 10:00am – 11:30am Central Time

Registration: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://exascaleproject.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIscumhpjksGsV4ueXzyCksELxaaW2_BBc__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!ffK7jZH4D9px4HoTwmjR5cEz1chr-kHnJIBBmSC1mRYWXd3ZIdY58wIjDTgxxMzvjggh1pxg20UQN8E$ 

  *   Welcome and ANL Update
     *   Welcome – Ken Raffenetti
     *   ANL Update – Yanfei Guo
  *   User Presentations
     *   Jeff Hammond, NVIDIA
     *   Vitali Morozon, ANL
     *   Wei-keng Liao, Northwestern University
     *   Jiajun Huang, ANL/University of California, Riverside
     *   Junchao Zhang, ANL
  *   Q&A


The MPICH team

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