[mpich-discuss] SOS!!

Delfina García Pintos delfinagarciapintos at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 5 22:23:04 CST 2012

Dear Darius,
Thank you so much for your answer!!!
I did "make install" and I'm attaching mi.txt. Also in my .bash_profile I added:PATH=/Users/delfinagarciapintos/mpich2-install/bin:$PATHexport PATH
I keep on trying, but nothing happens...
Thank you :) !

> Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 07:10:13 -0800
> Did you do a "make install"?  Also make sure that /Users/delfinagarciapintos/mpich2-install/bin is in your path.
> -d
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 9:33 PM, Delfina García Pintos wrote:
> > I'm trying to  install MPICH2 on my MacOS 10.6. I have problems with mpif90. But not just that: when I write on the console "which mpi(run/exec/f77/f90/..)" the path is not displayed. 
> > Thank you in advance!
> > 
> > Delfina
> > 
> >  
> >  
> > <c.txt><m.txt>
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