[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 for Win: Topology functions

Rajeev Thakur thakur at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Nov 27 13:31:56 CST 2012

Can you send us a small standalone test program that demonstrates the error?


On Nov 27, 2012, at 7:27 AM, Alejandro Allievi wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm setting up a grid topology and associated communicator using the
> function Setup_grid below. It works fine for process zero but throws:
> Fatal error in PMPI_Comm_rank: Invalid communicator, error stack:
> PMPI_Comm_rank(109): MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_NULL, rank=000000000022FE4C) failed
> PMPI_Comm_rank(66).: Null communicator
> Does MPICH2 for Win7 support topology functions???
> Thanks for any help.
> Alejandro
> ************CODE BELOW***************************
> void Setup_grid(GRID_INFO_T*  grid  /* out */) {
>    int old_rank;
>    int dimensions[2];
>    int wrap_around[2];
>    int coordinates[2];
>    int free_coords[2];
>    /* Set up Global Grid Information */
>    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(grid->p));
>    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &old_rank);
>    printf("Process %d of %d inside Setup_Grid\n", old_rank, grid->p);
>    /* We assume p is a perfect square */
>    grid->q = (int) sqrt((double) grid->p);
>    dimensions[0] = dimensions[1] = grid->q;
>    /* We want a circular shift in second dimension. */
>    /* Don't care about first                        */
>    wrap_around[0] = wrap_around[1] = 1;
>    MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimensions,
>    		wrap_around, 1, &(grid->comm));
>    MPI_Comm_rank(grid->comm, &(grid->my_rank));
>    MPI_Cart_coords(grid->comm, grid->my_rank, 2, coordinates);
>    grid->my_row = coordinates[0];
>    grid->my_col = coordinates[1];
>    /* Set up row communicators */
>    free_coords[0] = 0;
>    free_coords[1] = 1;
>    MPI_Cart_sub(grid->comm, free_coords, &(grid->row_comm));
>    /* Set up column communicators */
>    free_coords[0] = 1;
>    free_coords[1] = 0;
>    MPI_Cart_sub(grid->comm, free_coords, &(grid->col_comm));
>    printf("Process %d leaving Setup_Grid\n", old_rank);
> } /* Setup_grid */
> -- 
> Alejandro Allievi
> http://www.ace-net.ca/wiki/Alejandro_Allievi
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