[mpich-discuss] regarding parallel programming

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Aug 17 14:19:35 CDT 2013


Please send all future emails to discuss at mpich.org instead of to 
individual developers.

There could be a number of problems here, including possibly a firewall 
between the two nodes.  Did you try disabling that?

Another possibility is that the /etc/hosts file on one or both the nodes 
is messed up.  Did you check that?

There should be more information on the mpich FAQ page, which I can't 
seem to reach right now.


  -- Pavan

On 08/17/2013 02:09 PM, urmila pol wrote:
> Dear sir,
>         I try to do parallel programming but I have problems with Hydra
> process manager errors . parsing error,token error, file not found etc.
> I install mpich-3.0.4 on two machines and I create cluster of two machines.
> program should be run on single node but it will not execute on other node.
> I use ssh for communication.
> please guide me. waiting for reply.
> With regards,
> Dr.Urmila R. Pol
> Assistant Professor,
> Department of computer Science,
> Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
> Maharashtra-India.

Pavan Balaji

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