[mpich-discuss] How to keep the VS console window open on exceptions during debug of a parallel code

Antonio J. Peña apenya at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Jun 13 11:06:58 CDT 2013

Dear Feng Xiao,

Unfortunately we discontinued support for Windows some time ago. In 
addition, our Windows expert is no longer working in our team. If you need 
support on Windows, I'd suggest considering using some other 

I hope some other user subscribed to this list can help you.


On Thursday, June 13, 2013 07:31:09 AM Feng Xiao wrote:


I am writing about how to keep the console window open on exceptions 
during debug of a parallel code (either F5 or Ctrl+F5).
I am running MPICH2 FORTRAN program in Visual Studio 2010, everything 
works fine, expect that I could not see the exception/error messages on 
the console window, it closes right after the program exits on exceptions. 
I do know how to keep the console window open when program meets the 
end, or put a read statement to pause the program during the execution. 
I did some google search, the only relevant solution I could find is 
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/usage-recommendations/dot-net-specific.html[1], which is about making 
debugger break at the point the failure by adding extra command line 
argument and seeing the runtime error in the output window. However, it 
looks like something for a serial code without mpiexec.exe in the command 
line, and I am not a advanced VS user, so I don't know how to do it for a 
parallel code, or if there is any other way out.

Thanks in advance!

-- Feng Xiao

Doctoral Student
Petroleum Engineering
Colorado School of Mines

Cell 918-814-2644

[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/usage-recommendations/dot-net-specific.html
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