[mpich-discuss] The bug in handling 2D arrays

Soheil Hooshdaran shooshdaran577 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 12:31:57 CST 2014

Please note the instruction at line 105 (the *MPI_Alltoall* call) and the
comment on the line 108.
You only need to  run the program once.
The program takes 3 arguments from the command line:
1-How many numbers does each processor produce locally
2-The range bounds of numbers to produces randomly(like , say, 2 to 20,
entered as 2 20)

so to run, e.g, type mpirun -n 4 ./a.out 4 0 15

Note that the number of processors should be a power of 2

I personally think that maybe the reason for this bug is that the
*index*and the
*size*  of each dimension are ignored and that only the *base address* and
the *displacement* is assumed.

I read in Intel developer's manual that you need 4 parameters to access an
element of a multi-dimensional array.  I wonder if you can apply this.
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