[mpich-discuss] Issue with MPI_IALLTOALL on Cray XE6

Rattermann . Dale drattermann at drc.com
Thu Jun 12 13:47:01 CDT 2014


I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this question but I'll ask anyway. I'm working on optimizing a code that utilizes MPI on a Cray XE6. In this code there is a subroutine that calls MPI_ALLTOALL 16 different times. I changed this code so that non-blocking MPI_IALLTOALLs were used instead so that computation could be overlapped with communication, but found that it actually slowed the code down quite considerably. I wrote a little test program in fortran (that I have attached below) in order to time the two different scenarios. I've tried using both the cray-mpich/6.0.0 and cray-mpich/6.3.0 modules. I've noticed two things by running this code:

1) MPI_IALLTOALL and MPI_WAIT run slower than MPI_ALLTOALL on the Cray… even when computation and communication are overlapped using the former
2) MPI_ALLTOALL runs very slow the first time it is called (this can be seen by commenting out the MPI_ALLTOALL call on lines 26 and 27 in the attached code and compiling and running)

I'm using an interactive batch session on Garnet with 2 compute nodes (64 cores total). I've compiled and run the code using the following:

ftn mpi_test.f
aprun -n 64 ./a.out 6400000

Here is an example of results I get while running with lines 26 and 27 uncommented:

nratter at batch04-wlm:~/temp/mpi_test> make clean; make; aprun -n 64 ./a.out 6400000
rm a.out
ftn mpi_test.f
            0 : dt for MPI_ALLTOALL section =    0.9902300834655762
            0 : dt for MPI_IALLTOALL section =     1.116391181945801

And here is an example of results I get while running with lines 26 and 27 commented out:

nratter at batch04-wlm:~/temp/mpi_test> make clean; make; aprun -n 64 ./a.out 6400000
rm a.out
ftn mpi_test.f
            0 : dt for MPI_ALLTOALL section =     2.331636905670166
            0 : dt for MPI_IALLTOALL section =     1.070204973220825

Does anyone know of a way to improve both the efficiency of MPI_IALLTOALL/MPI_WAIT and preventing the first call to MPI_ALLTOALL from taking so long? In terms of priority, I am much more interested in improving the non-blocking communications. I've tried many different combinations of environment variables with no success. Thanks for your time… I'm hoping someone can help here.

Nick Rattermann


      program hello_world
        implicit none
        include 'mpif.h'
        integer ierr, num_procs, my_id,rqst(2),cnt,i,N,maxnum
        real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: a,atemp,b,btemp,
     >         c,ctemp,d,dtemp,e,f
        character(len=100) :: arg
        double precision :: t1,t2

       CALL GETARG(1,arg) !Grab the 2nd command line argument
       ! and store it in the temporary variable
       ! 'arg'

       read(arg,*) maxnum !Now convert string to integer

     >    c(maxnum),ctemp(maxnum),d(maxnum),dtemp(maxnum),
     >    e(maxnum),f(maxnum))

        call MPI_INIT ( ierr )

      !  find out MY process ID, and how many processes were started.
        call MPI_COMM_RANK (MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_id, ierr)
        call MPI_COMM_SIZE (MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_procs, ierr)

        call MPI_ALLTOALL(c,maxnum/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,ctemp,
     >       MAXNUM/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)


        a = 1.
        atemp = 0.
        b = 2.
        btemp = 0.

        call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)

        t1 = MPI_WTIME()

        call MPI_ALLTOALL(a,maxnum/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,atemp,
     >       MAXNUM/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
        call MPI_ALLTOALL(b,maxnum/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,btemp,
     >       MAXNUM/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
        do i=1,maxnum
          e(i) = real(i)
        end do

        cnt = 0
        do i=1,maxnum
          if (atemp(i) .ne. 1.) cnt = cnt + 1
        end do
        if (cnt .ne. 0) print *,my_id,": ATEMP NOT EQUAL TO 1!!!"

        cnt = 0
        do i=1,maxnum
          if (btemp(i) .ne. 2.) cnt = cnt + 1
        end do
        if (cnt .ne. 0) print *,my_id,": BTEMP NOT EQUAL TO 2!!!"

        t2 = MPI_WTIME()

        if (my_id == 0) print*,my_id,": dt for MPI_ALLTOALL section = ",
     >    t2-t1


        c = 1.
        ctemp = 0.
        d = 2.
        dtemp = 0.

        call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)

        t1 = MPI_WTIME()

        call MPI_IALLTOALL(c,maxnum/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,ctemp,
     >       MAXNUM/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,rqst(1),ierr)
        call MPI_IALLTOALL(d,maxnum/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,dtemp,
     >       MAXNUM/num_procs,MPI_REAL8,MPI_COMM_WORLD,rqst(2),ierr)
        do i=1,maxnum
          f(i) = real(i)
        end do

        call MPI_WAIT(rqst(1),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
        cnt = 0
        do i=1,maxnum
          if (ctemp(i) .ne. 1.) cnt = cnt + 1
        end do
        if (cnt .ne. 0) print *,my_id,": ATEMP NOT EQUAL TO 1!!!"

        call MPI_WAIT(rqst(2),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
        cnt = 0
        do i=1,maxnum
          if (dtemp(i) .ne. 2.) cnt = cnt + 1
        end do
        if (cnt .ne. 0) print *,my_id,": BTEMP NOT EQUAL TO 2!!!"

        t2 = MPI_WTIME()

        if (my_id == 0) print*,my_id,": dt for MPI_IALLTOALL section = "
     >    ,t2-t1

        call MPI_FINALIZE ( ierr )



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