[mpich-discuss] ROMIO filesystem check during MPI_File_open

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Thu Mar 13 16:28:23 CDT 2014

We had a user run into a situation with ROMIO that caused a bunch of head-scratching before we figured it out.

The user was running a trivial C MPI program that failed with a truncation error in MPI_Bcast.  After much poking around, we finally figured out that it was actually failing deep within MPI_File_open.  The reason it was getting a truncation error is because of the user's setup:

- the cluster head node is *also* a compute node
- the cluster head node is the NFS server
- in MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 (on the head node), ROMIO saw a UFS filesystem
- all other MCW process ranks saw an NFS filesystem
- hence, during ROMIO's MPI_File_open, MCW rank 0 chose to do a UFS file open and everyone else chose to do an NFS file open

Things go downhill from there, eventually resulting in a MPI_Bcast mismatch.

Is there any thought to supporting this kind of scenario?  All MPI processes are accessing the same filesystem; it's just that some of the MPI processes happen to see that filesystem as local, and some see it as NFS.

Regardless, if this can't/won't be supported, can there be some kind of Allreduce before calling ADIOI_Open that determines, "Hey, we're not viewing this as the same filesystem -- we should throw an error (and possibly print a helpful error message)."  Such cluster configurations are not entirely uncommon; being able to error out with a user-helpful reason would be most helpful.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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