[mpich-discuss] Value of fortran communicator handles
marco restelli
mrestelli at gmail.com
Tue May 20 09:33:09 CDT 2014
I noticed that the attached fortran code produces this output:
$ mpiexec -n 4 -l ./mpitest
[0] color = 1 ; newcomm = -2080374780
[1] color = 1 ; newcomm = -2080374782
[2] color = 2 ; newcomm = -2080374782
[3] color = 2 ; newcomm = -2080374782
I know that I am not supposed to use the values of the communicator
handles, but I was surprised to see that two processors in the same
communicator have two different values for such an handle.
More precisely, I was assuming that newcomm had one value on procs 0
and 1 and another value on 2 and 3.
So my question is whether this is the expected behaviour or not. (In
fact, I need to debug another problem in my code and I wonder whether
this could be related or not).
Thank you,
mpich: version 1.5
gfortran: 4.7.3
program mpitest
implicit none
include "mpif.h"
integer :: key, color, newcomm, mpi_id, ierr
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,mpi_id,ierr)
key = 1 ! same ordering as in comm
select case(mpi_id)
color = 1
color = 1
color = 2
color = 2
end select
call mpi_comm_split( mpi_comm_world , color,key , newcomm , ierr)
write(*,*) "color = ",color, "; newcomm = ",newcomm
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program mpitest
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