[mpich-discuss] where mpi waitsome only returns one request each time

myself chcdlf at 126.com
Sun Oct 19 22:06:09 CDT 2014

Thanks for your help. With your configuration, I get the expected result on the same machine.

Previous configuration:
1>--prefix=/home/nbtest/develop/mpich30 --with-device=ch3:nemesis CFLAGS=-fPIC
2>    --prefix=/home/nbtest/develop/mpich30 --with-device=ch3:nemesis --enable-romio --enable-nemesis-dbg-localoddeven --enable-g=all --enable-fast=O0 --enable-fortran=f77

Current configuration:
--prefix=/home/nbtest/develop/mpich30 --with-device=ch3:nemesis --enable-romio --enable-nemesis-dbg-localoddeven --enable-g=all --enable-fast=O0 --enable-fortran=f77,fc CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=gfortran FC=gfortran

At 2014-10-20 10:39:20, "Junchao Zhang" <jczhang at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

Try to run on another machine, you may get different results. My configure is 
$ mpichversion
MPICH Version:    3.1.3
MPICH Release date:unreleased development copy
MPICH Device:    ch3:nemesis
MPICH configure: --enable-romio --enable-nemesis-dbg-localoddeven --enable-g=all --enable-fast=O0 --enable-fortran=f77,fc CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=gfortran FC=gfortran
MPICH CC: gcc    -g -O0
MPICH CXX: g++   -g -O0
MPICH F77: gfortran   -g -O0
MPICH FC: gfortran   -g -O0

--Junchao Zhang

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:23 PM, myself <chcdlf at 126.com> wrote:

I run several times of the program, the results are as the same as before. Could you tell me your MPICH version and compiling parameters? The version of my MPICH is 3.1.3, I compile it as 

$ mpirun --version
HYDRA build details:
    Version:                                 3.1.3
    Release Date:                            Wed Oct  8 09:37:19 CDT 2014
    CC:                              gcc  -fPIC  
    CXX:                             g++    
    F77:                             gfortran   
    F90:                             gfortran   
    Configure options:                       '--disable-option-checking' '--prefix=/usr/local/mpich3' '--with-device=ch3:nemesis' 'CFLAGS=-fPIC -O2' '--disable-fortran' '--cache-file=/dev/null' '--srcdir=.' 'CC=gcc' 'LDFLAGS= ' 'LIBS=-lpthread ' 'CPPFLAGS= -I/home/valder/Downloads/Software/mpi/mpich-3.1.3/src/mpl/include -I/home/valder/Downloads/Software/mpi/mpich-3.1.3/src/mpl/include -I/home/valder/Downloads/Software/mpi/mpich-3.1.3/src/openpa/src -I/home/valder/Downloads/Software/mpi/mpich-3.1.3/src/openpa/src -D_REENTRANT -I/home/valder/Downloads/Software/mpi/mpich-3.1.3/src/mpi/romio/include'
    Process Manager:                         pmi
    Launchers available:                     ssh rsh fork slurm ll lsf sge manual persist
    Topology libraries available:            hwloc
    Resource management kernels available:   user slurm ll lsf sge pbs cobalt
    Checkpointing libraries available:       
    Demux engines available:                 poll select
the whole program is 

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    int rank,size;
    byte buf[10][10];
    MPI_Request req[10];
    MPI_Status stat[10];
    int outcount;
    int array_of_indices[10];
    int i;
    int complete = 0;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    if(rank==0) {
        for(i =0; i< 10;i++){
            MPI_Isend(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
        printf("post send\n");
    }else {
        for(i=0; i< 10;i++){
            MPI_Irecv(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
        printf("post recv\n");

    for (;;){
        MPI_Waitsome(10, req, &outcount, array_of_indices, stat);
        complete += outcount;
        printf("rank %d %d index %d\n", rank, outcount, array_of_indices[0]);
        if(complete == 10)
    printf("rank %d complete\n", rank);

I compile it as 
$ mpicc -o tests testsome.c  

and run as  
$ mpirun -n 2 ./tests 

At 2014-10-20 09:02:39, "Junchao Zhang" <jczhang at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

I think it is random. For example, I ran your code and its output was:
post recv
post send
rank 0 10 index 0
rank 0 complete
rank 1 1 index 0
rank 1 9 index 1
rank 1 complete

--Junchao Zhang

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:48 AM, myself <chcdlf at 126.com> wrote:

Because I want to understand the behavior of MPI_Waitsome, I change the program as fellow. MPI can waitsome 10 Isend request once time, while waitsome 1 Irecv request each time. Why waitsome-Irecv can not be more than 1 as I expect?
     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
     if(rank==0) {
         for(i =0; i< 10;i++){
             MPI_Isend(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
         printf("post send\n");
     }else {
         for(i=0; i< 10;i++){
             MPI_Irecv(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
         printf("post recv\n");
     for (;;){
         MPI_Waitsome(10, req, &outcount, array_of_indices, stat);
         complete += outcount;
         printf("rank %d %d index %d\n", rank, outcount, array_of_indices[0]);
         if(complete == 10)
     printf("rank %d complete\n", rank);
$ mpirun -n 2 ./tests
post send
post recv
rank 0 10 index 0
rank 0 complete
rank 1 1 index 0
rank 1 1 index 1
rank 1 1 index 2
rank 1 1 index 3
rank 1 1 index 4
rank 1 1 index 5
rank 1 1 index 6
rank 1 1 index 7
rank 1 1 index 8
rank 1 1 index 9
rank 1 complete

At 2014-10-19 22:36:25, "Bland, Wesley B." <wbland at anl.gov> wrote:

You need to move your waitany outside of the if statement so both ranks execute it. 

On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:33 AM, myself <chcdlf at 126.com> wrote:

Here is my test program


 #include "mpi.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
 typedef unsigned char byte;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
     int rank,size;
     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
     byte buf[10][10];
     MPI_Request req[10];
     MPI_Status stat[10];
     int outcount;
     int array_of_indices[10];
     int i;
     if(rank==0) {
         for(i =0; i< 10;i++){
             MPI_Isend(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
         printf("post send\n");
         MPI_Waitall(10, req, stat);
         printf("send over\n");
     }else {
         for(i=0; i< 10;i++){
             MPI_Irecv(buf[i], 10, MPI_BYTE, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req[i]);
         printf("post recv\n");
         for (i=0;i<10;i++){
             MPI_Waitsome(10, req, &outcount, array_of_indices, stat);
             printf("%d index %d\n", outcount, array_of_indices[0]);

 get the result like this
$ mpirun -n 2 ./tests
post send
send over
post recv
1 index 0
1 index 1
1 index 2
1 index 3
1 index 4
1 index 5
1 index 6
1 index 7
1 index 8
1 index 9


I think I should get some completed receive connection, not just 1.

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