[mpich-discuss] Unexpected results

Winkler, Ursula (ursula.winkler@uni-graz.at) ursula.winkler at uni-graz.at
Fri Apr 3 05:43:12 CDT 2015

>I tried disabling the firewall real quick and still got the same results.

Disabling a potential error source for trial and error is always a good thing to isolate a problem.

However, at one point I got the following error:
[proxy:0:1 at Pi02] launch_procs (/home/pi/mpich2/mpich-3.1/src/pm/hydra/pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:641): unable to change wdir to /home/pi/mpi_test (No such file or directory)

So I scratched my head and wondered if it was something as silly as the fact that I was calling mpiexec from a directory that existed on Pi01 and not on the other three. I quickly created the same directory on the other three Pis and bam:

pi at Pi01 ~/mpi_test $ mpiexec -f machinefile -n 4 hostname

Was it really that simple?



Yes, That *IS* possible ! :)   As you mention it now - I had the same problem some years ago. Unfortunately I didn't remember in time sparing you from dealing with  the same trouble.


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