[mpich-discuss] How to use non-blocking send/receive without calling MPI_Wait

Lei Shi lshi at ku.edu
Thu Apr 2 19:16:50 CDT 2015

I want to use non-blocking send/rev MPI_Isend/MPI_Irev to do communication.
But in my case, I don't really care what kind of data I get or it is ready
to use or not. So I don't want to waste my time to do any synchronization
 by calling MPI_Wait or etc API.

But when I avoid calling MPI_Wait, my program is freezed several secs after
running some iterations (after multiple MPI_Isend/Irev callings), then
continues. It takes even more time than the case with MPI_Wait.  So my
question is how to do a "true" non-blocking communication without waiting
for the data ready or not. Thanks.
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