[mpich-discuss] Installation problem

Kenneth Raffenetti raffenet at mcs.anl.gov
Fri May 22 13:14:47 CDT 2015


In response to question 1, I would suggest using the 
"--with-pbs=/opt/torque" configure option to point to your installation 
and ensure all flags are set appropriately.

For question 2, have you run the compilervars.sh script from your Intel 
compiler installation? Should be in 
/share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin. That script should add any 
needed library paths to your environment, and avoid the error you are 


On 05/22/2015 10:50 AM, Eong Sheng Goh wrote:
> Hi,
> I am installing  mpich 3.1.4 and the following the configure script I use:
> CC=/share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/intel64/icc
> CXX=/share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/intel64/icpc
> F77=/share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/ifort
> FC=/share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/ifort
> CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/torque/include LDFLAGS="-L/opt/torque/lib
> -L/opt/torque/lib64" ../mpich-3.1.4/configure
> --prefix=/share/apps/estools/mpich2/3.1.4/intel --enable-cxx
> --enable-fortran=all --enable-threads=multiple
> --with-thread-package=posix --enable-romio --with-pm=hydra
> --enable-shared --enable-static
> However I have two inquiries:
>  1. I am installing it on a cluster with Torque PBS system and wish bind
>     mpich against Torque. The configure output states that:
>                 checking tm.h usability... yes
>                 checking tm.h presence... yes
>                 checking for tm.h... yes
>                 checking for tm_init in -ltorque... yes
>     But I do this by adding "CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/torque/include ", but do I
>     have to repeat it for other flags (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS,
>       FCFLAGS ...) ?
>  2. After I perform make and make install, I proceed to make testing,
>     but with a lot of this error:
>     /share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libifport.so.5:
>     undefined reference to `__intel_sse2_strlen'
>     By some googling I found some hints that this can be resolved by
>     adding the library libifcoremt.so, but when I add it to the LIBS
>     parameter the configure script cannot even start. So what is the
>     correct way to do this? Or is there any other solution?
> Thank you.
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