[mpich-discuss] Shared Memory Segfaults

Brian Cornille bcornille at wisc.edu
Mon May 4 10:20:03 CDT 2015


I agree that the code I supplied has no interesting parallelism.  That code was simply an attempt to diagnose or replicated an error I was getting with a more complicated code which also had shared memory structures pointing to other shared memory structures.  The linked list was just a quick example of a similar structure to test what the issue could be.  It ended up having very similar error behavior as the original program so I thought I would share it instead of a more complicated project.  For the project I was working on I wanted to create large shared memory structures that would be read-only once the initial set-up was done.  Some of these shared memory structures were to have shared memory structures allocated within them, which appeared to generate the errors I was encountering.  If you are interested in the original code that produced these errors it is posted at:
https://github.com/bcornille/mpi-shared-ne506/tree/develop/src (mostly in geoms.c)
There are likely ways that I could change the structure of the code to work around this problem, but I was hoping to try to understand what was causing the very strange errors that I produced.
I encountered errors when I tried to make assignments to shared memory regions that were pointed to from other shared memory regions.  I am hoping that the error in the code I provided is the mirror image of the error in my original code.

Thanks and best,
Brian Cornille

On Sat, May 2 at 5:46 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com> wrote:
>I do not understand what this program is supposed to do.
>MPI_Win_allocate_shared is collective, as is MPI_Win_fence, so I don't
>see how any interesting parallelism emerges from this type of
>implementation of a linked-list.
>Are you just using the linked-list to manage a collection of shared
>memory windows (GMR does this in
>http://git.mpich.org/armci-mpi.git/blob/HEAD:/src/gmr.c, for example)?
>If you want to do a distributed linked-list using RMA, I recall there
>is a linked-list example in the MPI-3 spec or perhaps somewhere else
>(somebody on this list will remember, or I can look it up).  And this
>example probably uses MPI_Win_create_dynamic and MPI_Win_attach, which
>means no interprocess load-store.
>On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Junchao Zhang <jczhang at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> I can reproduce the segfault with the latest mpich. In Clean_List(), I think
>> there is a data race, since all shmem members update the head node
>>             head->next_win = temp_win;
>>             head->next = temp_next;
>> I tried to simplify Clean_List() further as follows,
>> void Clean_List()
>> {
>>     Node *cur_node = head;
>>     MPI_Win cur_win = head_win;
>>     Node *next_node;
>>     MPI_Win next_win;
>>     while (cur_node) {
>>         next_node = cur_node->next;
>>         next_win = cur_node->next_win;
>>         MPI_Win_free(&cur_win);
>>         cur_node = next_node;
>>         cur_win = next_win;
>>     }
>>     head = tail = NULL;
>> }
>> But I still met segfault. With gdb, the segfault disappears. If I comment
>> out the call to Clean_List in main(), the error also disappear.
>> I Cc'ed our local RMA expert Xin to see if she has new findings.
>> --Junchao Zhang
>> On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Brian Cornille <bcornille at wisc.edu> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In working on a project that is attempting to use MPI shared memory (from
>>> MPI_Win_allocate_shared) I began getting inconsistent segfaults in portions
>>> of the code that appeared to have no memory errors when investigated with
>>> gdb.  I believe I have somewhat reproduced this error in a small code
>>> (attached) that creates a linked list of MPI shared memory allocated
>>> elements.
>>> The attached program segfaults for me when run with more than one process.
>>> However, will not segfault if run in gdb (e.g. mpirun -n 2 xterm -e gdb
>>> ./mpi_shmem_ll).  I have done what I can to eliminate any apparent race
>>> conditions.  Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.
>>> Thanks and best,
>>> Brian Cornille
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>Jeff Hammond
>jeff.science at gmail.com
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