[mpich-discuss] question about -disable-auto-cleanup

Zaak Beekman zbeekman at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 16:22:49 CDT 2017

I know that --disable-auto-cleanup is required to enable the fault-tolerant
MPI features, but are there downsides to passing this? Performance

I ask, because over at https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/OpenCoarrays we've
implemented much of the Fortran 2015 failed images feature on top of MPICH
and other MPI implementations. But to use this, --disable-auto-cleanup must
be passed to mpiexec. We provide wrapper scripts to try to abstract the
back end (GASNet, MPI, OpenSHMEM etc.) in the form of a Fortran compiler
wrapper, and an executable launcher. So I'm wondering, since failed images
are part of the standard (2015) would it be dumb if we always pass
--disable-auto-cleanup to mpiexec and only turn off support when explicitly
asked for by the user, or is it safer/more performant to default to
requiring the user to pass an additional flag to our wrapper script that
results in --disable-auto-cleanup getting passed to mpiexec?

Feedback would be much appreciated. Feel free to post responses at
https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/OpenCoarrays/issues/401 as well..

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