[mpich-discuss] mpich-master: couldn't build libmpicxx.la with Sun C on Linux

Siegmar Gross siegmar.gross at informatik.hs-fulda.de
Wed Aug 23 03:51:34 CDT 2017


> OK good luck!  also be sure to post your updates to the list... i'm sorry that i 
> replied directly to you instead of the list....
> Siegmar Gross wrote on 08/22/2017 05:31 AM:
>> I used the wrong compiler! "CC" allows "-std=sun03". I will try to
>> build it once more.

Unfortunately I wasn't successful.

loki mpich-master_2017-08-23_Linux.x86_64.64_cc_sun03 129 head -2 
Configuring MPICH version 3.3a2 with  '--prefix=/usr/local/mpich-master_64_cc' 
'--includedir=/usr/local/mpich-master_64_cc/include64' 'CC=cc' 'CXX=CC' 
'F77=f77' 'FC=f95' 'CFLAGS=-m64' 'CXXFLAGS=-m64 -std=sun03' 'FFLAGS=-m64' 
'FCFLAGS=-m64' 'LDFLAGS=-m64 -L/usr/lib64 -R/usr/lib64' '--enable-fortran=ye' 
'--enable-cxx' '--enable-romio' '--enable-debuginfo' '--enable-smpcoll' 
'--enable-threads=multiple' '--with-thread-package=posix' '--enable-shared'
Running on system: Linux loki 4.4.74-92.29-default #1 SMP Thu Jun 29 13:06:32 
UTC 2017 (561ddb1) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

loki mpich-master_2017-08-23_Linux.x86_64.64_cc_sun03 130 tail -13 
"./src/include/mpichconf.h", line 1132: Warning (Anachronism): Attempt to 
redefine __restrict__ without using #undef.
1 Warning(s) detected.
   CXXLD    lib/libmpicxx.la
CC: -library=Crun cannot be used with -std=c++03. To use this library you need 
to switch to -std=sun03
CC: -library=Cstd cannot be used with -std=c++03. To use this library you need 
to switch to -std=sun03
Makefile:9429: recipe for target 'lib/libmpicxx.la' failed
make[2]: *** [lib/libmpicxx.la] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
Makefile:34562: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
Makefile:9242: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
loki mpich-master_2017-08-23_Linux.x86_64.64_cc_sun03 131

Thank you very much for your suggestion and kind regards

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