[mpich-discuss] Strange, inconsistent behaviour with MPI_Comm_spawn

Reuti reuti at staff.uni-marburg.de
Fri Jun 9 12:26:20 CDT 2017

Hi, to avoid any additional password/-phrase requests, it might be better to set up hostbased authentication and remove the public key from the authorized_keys file again to check whether it's working. This should be set up to work also between slave nodes for Hydra.


-- Reuti

> Am 09.06.2017 um 14:53 schrieb Alexander Rast <alex.rast.technical at gmail.com>:
> I've reached a limit of mystification. Attempting to run an MPI application using MPI_Comm_spawn from a host is resulting in bizarre, inconsistent behaviour of ssh and ssh-askpass.
> What I did is, I created an RSA keypair using ssh-keygen, copied the public keys into the ./ssh directories on the machines I'll be running MPI on, put them in the authorized_keys file, placed all the machines in the known_hosts file on the launcher host (which is starting MPI_Comm_spawn), then ran eval ssh-agent and added the id_rsa file to the agent on the launcher host. 
> You can verify that this part of the system is working because I can use ssh directly to access the worker machines that will be running the application.
> But when I actually try to run the MPI application, when it gets to the spawn, all sorts of wierd and wild stuff happens. Sometimes a dialogue (which aggressively grabs focus) comes up asking for a password (OpenSSH Authentication). Other times the same program has just said that the identity/authenticity of the target machine can't be established - do I want to continue? (A yes causes authentication to fail). In still other cases, it appeared to open the connection but then MPI crashed saying it couldn't get the host by name. (yes, every machine has the hostnames of every other machine in its hosts file). And in yet another case, it seemed to try to run but then crashed saying unexpected end-of-file. And so on. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the errors, I can't reproduce anything, each time I try it some new and surprising behaviour comes up. What's happening? Do I have to do something unusual with machine configuration/environment?
> Here are the associated MPI files if anyone wants to look for errors. In fact there are probably some errors in the code itself, because it's never been able to be debugged (because of this wierd behaviour) but I am fairly sure at least the sequence through to the spawn command is OK. All help appreciated...
> <Dynamic_Procs.tar.gz>
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