[mpich-discuss] MPI_Rget + MPI_Testall fails with success

Joseph Schuchart schuchart at hlrs.de
Tue Nov 28 05:48:53 CST 2017


I am running into a problem with MPI_Rget in combination with 
MPI_Testall, where the call to MPI_Testall fails with the error hinting 
at more information in the status' MPI_ERROR fields. However, these 
fields only signal success:

[0] MPI_Testall failed:
	See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code (17)
[0]	Request error: No MPI error (0)
[0]	Request error: No MPI error (0)

I am attaching a small reproducer. I should note that the application 
succeeds if I am using MPI_Test on the individual requests instead of 

Please let me know if my usage of MPI_Rget and MPI_Testall is erroneous 
for some reason. I can reproduce this error with both MPICH 3.2 and 
3.2.1 as well as Intel MPI 2017 even when running with a single process.

Many thanks in advance,
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