[mpich-discuss] Verify infiniband communication

Min Si msi at anl.gov
Wed Jan 24 03:20:50 CST 2018

If you specified the mxm device at installation, it should use the 
InfiniBand network. MPICH does not have a mechanism to check the layer 
under mxm (i.e., InfinBand or Ethernet).

A simple way to verify is to test the bandwidth. You can use OSU 
benchmark or Intel MPI benchmark to test the MPI pt2pt bandwidth. If the 
InfiniBand network is used, it is usually several GB/s which is much 
faster than that on Ethernet.


On 2018/01/24 4:14, Min Si wrote:
> Hi,
> You can run /opt/mpich-install/examples/cpi to test the basic 
> functionality of MPICH/mxm.
> For example:
> mpiexec -np 2 -ppn 1 -f <hostfile> ./cpi
> For more testing options, you can find information at 
> http://www.mpich.org/documentation/guides/
> Thanks,
> Min
> On 2018/01/23 19:09, Chandler wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I configured and installed mpich-3.2.1 on our cluster with Mellanox 
>> infiniband adapters.  I used this command:
>> ./configure --prefix=/opt/mpich-install --with-device=ch3:nemesis:mxm 
>> --with-mxm=/opt/hpcx-v2.0.0-gcc-inbox-redhat6.9-x86_64/mxm
>> which worked fine without errors, then "make install".  Now would 
>> like to verify that MPICH will use our infiniband network by default 
>> (the cluster also has 1Gbps ethernet network).  Can you let me know 
>> some test commands to run to verify the infiniband devices are used?
>> Thanks,
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