[mpich-discuss] Problem configuring mpich-3.4a3 and 3.4a2 --with-device=ch4:ucx

Audet, Martin Martin.Audet at cnrc-nrc.gc.ca
Wed Sep 23 16:38:14 CDT 2020

Thanks Zhou for your answer.

Now when I add the following options:

--with-pmix-include=/usr/include --with-pmix-lib=/usr/lib64

to my configuration options (just after --with-pmix) it works as expected (i.e. I am able to use the pmix mechanism in Slurm).

However if I don’t provide --with-pmix, even if --with-pmix-include=/usr/include --with-pmix-lib=/usr/lib64 are provided, pmix is not used (and I have to use the pmi2 mechanism in Slurm).


Martin Audet

From: Zhou, Hui [mailto:zhouh at anl.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 9:47
To: discuss at mpich.org
Cc: Audet, Martin <Martin.Audet at cnrc-nrc.gc.ca>
Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] Problem configuring mpich-3.4a3 and 3.4a2 --with-device=ch4:ucx

>    ./configure --with-device=ch4:ucx --with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll --with-pmix --prefix=/home/publique/depot/mpi/mpich-ch4_ucx-3.4a3 --enable-fast=all --enable-romio --with-file-system=ufs+nfs --enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc

I believe the offending option is `--with-pmix`, since that defaults to `--with-pmix=yes`. You are supposed to pass in the path to pmix installation, e.g. `--with-pmix=/usr/local`.

I admit this is a bit not obvious.

Hui Zhou

From: "Audet, Martin via discuss" <discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>>
Reply-To: "discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>" <discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>>
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 9:41 PM
To: "discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>" <discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>>
Cc: "Audet, Martin" <Martin.Audet at cnrc-nrc.gc.ca<mailto:Martin.Audet at cnrc-nrc.gc.ca>>
Subject: [mpich-discuss] Problem configuring mpich-3.4a3 and 3.4a2 --with-device=ch4:ucx

Hello MPICH_Developers,

I am having trouble running the configure script on two latest mpich release (3.4a2 and 3.4a3) when I use the flag --with-device=ch4:ucx (no such problems with ch3:sock or ch3:nemesis). It seems that the generated Makefile often contains two strange compilation and link flags: -Iyes/include  and –Lyes/lib.

To be able to compile the library I had to use the following command to remove those strange flags:

   find . -name Makefile -exec sed -i -e 's/-Iyes\/include\>//g' -e 's/-Lyes\/lib\>//g' {} \;

After this step I am able to compile and the resulting library seems ok and appears to performs well (not extensive testing).

For your information I call the configure script like this:

   ./configure --with-device=ch4:ucx --with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll --with-pmix --prefix=/home/publique/depot/mpi/mpich-ch4_ucx-3.4a3 --enable-fast=all --enable-romio --with-file-system=ufs+nfs --enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc

I had experienced this problem on the following three configurations:

   mpich-3.4a2  CentOS 7.6  MOFED 4.7
   mpich-3.4a3  CentOS 7.6  MOFED 4.7
   mpich-3.4a3  CentOS 7.8  MOFED 4.9

The architecture is x86_64.

Could someone take a look at this problem ?


Martin Audet
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