[mpich-discuss] Question about non-blocking MPI - 3

Palmer, Bruce J Bruce.Palmer at pnnl.gov
Thu Jan 7 10:39:07 CST 2021

As far as I know, you don’t have to use the MPI_ASYNC_PROGRESS settings with Intel MPI, either. However, you may see a huge boost in performance, at least for the onesided operations using MPI Windows.

Bruce Palmer

From: viet via discuss <discuss at mpich.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 4:08 AM
To: Zhou, Hui <zhouh at anl.gov>; discuss at mpich.org
Cc: teivml at gmail.com
Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] Question about non-blocking MPI - 3

Check twice before you click! This email originated from outside PNNL.

Dear Hui Zhou,

Thank you for your response to this thread.
Could you give me some references on this issue?

It seems that the below environment setting is necessary.


Thank you for anything you can provide.
Best, Viet.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 5:59 AM Zhou, Hui <zhouh at anl.gov<mailto:zhouh at anl.gov>> wrote:
You don’t need any special settings to use non-blocking MPI collectives in MPICH.

Hui Zhou

From: viet via discuss <discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>>
Date: Friday, December 4, 2020 at 7:12 AM
To: discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org> <discuss at mpich.org<mailto:discuss at mpich.org>>
Cc: teivml at gmail.com<mailto:teivml at gmail.com> <teivml at gmail.com<mailto:teivml at gmail.com>>
Subject: [mpich-discuss] Question about non-blocking MPI - 3
Hello everyone,

What is the environment setting for the use of non-blocking MPI-3 * collectives in mpich3.3?

In Intel MPI, the setting is as follows


Is there an equivalent setting in mpich3.3?
Thank you,
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