[mpich-discuss] Error with mpich-3.3.2 and ucx-1.8.0

Junchao Zhang junchao.zhang at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 20:17:14 CST 2021

  We met an error with mpich-3.3.2 and ucx-1.8.0.  See the attached
example, which uses a user defined data type in MPI_Startall.   MPICH was
configured with --with-device=ch4:ucx --with-ucx=/path/to/ucx-1.8.0. The
error stack is

$ mpirun -n 2 ./dtype
Assertion failed in file src/mpi/datatype/type_free.c at line 38:
(((datatype_ptr)))->ref_count >= 0
/home/jczhang/soft/lib/libmpi.so.12(+0x48fa1f) [0x7f4019b6ba1f]
/home/jczhang/soft/lib/libmpi.so.12(+0x441e27) [0x7f4019b1de27]
/home/jczhang/soft/lib/libmpi.so.12(+0xfebc2) [0x7f40197dabc2]
/home/jczhang/soft/lib/libmpi.so.12(MPI_Type_free+0x5fd) [0x7f40197db239]

It does not happen with mpich-3.4.1.

--Junchao Zhang
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