[mpich-discuss] How to specify which Ethernet / IP interface to use?

Jonathon Anderson janderson at ciq.co
Thu Jun 30 22:49:37 CDT 2022

I'm trying to use mpich2 [1] on a cluster of compute nodes each of
which has two Ethernet interfaces: one, an encumbered public /
Internet interface, and another a private / intranet interface. mpich
is defaulting to trying to use the public interface, which then hangs
indefinitely with both nodes in my job stuck listening via UDP.

I experience the same behavior whether I use mpiexec or srun --mpi=pmi2.

How do I tell mpich which interface to use?



[1]: mpich-ofi-gnu9-ohpc-3.4.2-3.1.ohpc.2.4.x86_64

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