[mpich-discuss] Buffer corruption due to an excessive number of messages

Mccall, Kurt E. (MSFC-EV41) kurt.e.mccall at nasa.gov
Thu Sep 14 15:02:56 CDT 2023

It seems that when I send a process too many non-blocking messages (with MPI_Isend) , MPI_Iprobe/MPI_Recv sometimes returns a buffer
with corrupted data for some of the messages.   Usually the corrupted data objects are at the end of the array that was sent.  I checked the
buffers passed to MPI_Isend, and they are uncorrupted.

  1.  Is there a way to detect this kind of overload with an MPI call?
  2.  Is there an upper bound on the number of messages that can be "in flight"?
  3.  Is there a upper bound on message length?

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