[mpich-discuss] MPICH 4.2.2

Rich Martorano richmartorano at live.com
Tue Sep 24 12:29:16 CDT 2024

Good morning,
I just subscribed to this however I need some help. I really don't know much about MPICH however in my book Raspberry Pi Sper Cluster
I am in a section that calls for this application to be installed. I have an issue when I try to run mpiexec commands, specifically mpiexec -f piprofile hostname. Command not found error. I am not even able to run mpiexec --version without the error. I clearly see them in the below path but I can execute anything.

In my book the command they have for install is this;
 /media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/appdata/mpich4/mpich-4.2.2/configure \-prefix=/media/witt/8efd83a8-d3be-4079-b8e3-6fceffff35bb/appdata/mpich4/install

What am I doing wrong. I have tried twice to install it and I get the same result each time command not found. I will day however
That after the installation I can run mpiexec -f piprofile hostname and it works, however after about an hour or so I will ge the error message.

Also my book references version 3.0.4 but I thought since the book was dated to find the latest.

Best Regards
Rich Martorano

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