[mpich-devel] binding a new MPI type with fortran

Larry Baker baker at usgs.gov
Fri Mar 29 16:24:17 CDT 2013


On 29 Mar 2013, at 1:11 PM, Tatiana V. Martsinkevich wrote:

> So we went the other way around and changed the type of MPI_Pattern from void* to integer and now fortran interfaces are being generated correctly.

You are aware, I hope, that (the default) Integers can be 32 bits or 64 bits with 64-bit compilers?  As far as I am aware, the Fortran standard does not prescribe that default Kind Integers be the same size as pointers.  I don't know what the MPI standard says or assumes on this topic.

Larry Baker
US Geological Survey
baker at usgs.gov

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