[mpich-devel] whitespace cleanup proposal

Kenneth Raffenetti raffenet at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 31 09:44:52 CDT 2017

Hi folks,

Some devs have expressed a desire to run the maint/code-cleanup.sh 
script across the whole MPICH repo. This would make all whitespace and 
style consistent, and give us the opportunity to use an automated 
checker for new code to ensure it matches the rest of the repo.

There has been reasonable concern that we not run this on the 
src/mpid/ch3 directory, as it would be too disruptive to downstream 
repos. I think we are in agreement that we will leave ch3 alone, if we 
do this. ch4 is still early enough along that we hope it would be ok to 
clean up now.

Please let us know if you have feedback. We'd like to make a decision 
regarding this prior to the 3.3b1 release at SC17.


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