[mpich-discuss] command.so: wmpiconfig.exe program....

seungkyun lim seungkyun9021 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 05:27:10 CDT 2013

[Specification of our environment]

OS: Windows 7 (64bit)Two workstations: Intel CPU (64bit)

Programming environment: Visual studio 2010 (64bit)


I use MPICH2 64 bit in windows 64bit.****

and I've already finished sample test for communicate and Master PC and
slave PCs.****

now, I need command which can search slave PCs. It can communicate with
saster PC from CMD program****

Is there any command of CMDprogram to search a slaves PCs in workgroup from
master PC?****

lastly, I'd appreciate if you let me know some materials to make

thank you ~

임승균 올림
연락처 : 010-7979-4456
E-Mail: seungkyun9021 at gmail.com,    *tmdrbs9021 at naver.com*
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