[mpich-discuss] stupid question about release names

Jeff Hammond jhammond at alcf.anl.gov
Fri Feb 22 13:11:44 CST 2013

I'm sorry for being a moron, but I cannot figure out which of these is
the most recent release of the 1.5 branch:

	1.5/	20-Nov-2012 15:48	 -
	1.5a1/	20-Nov-2012 15:52	 -
	1.5a2/	20-Nov-2012 15:52	 -
	1.5b1/	20-Nov-2012 15:54	 -
	1.5b2/	20-Nov-2012 15:54	 -
	1.5rc1/	23-Nov-2012 08:36	 -
	1.5rc2/	20-Nov-2012 15:56	 -
	1.5rc3/	20-Nov-2012 15:57

I had hoped to use the time-stamp but that doesn't seem to help so
much.  Is a=alpha, b=beta, rc=release candidate and therefore "1.5" is
the latest?  And if there was a p=patch, that would be newer than

Again, I know this is a dumb question.  Thanks for your tolerance.



Jeff Hammond
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
University of Chicago Computation Institute
jhammond at alcf.anl.gov / (630) 252-5381

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