[mpich-discuss] Fw: "undefined references"

Hana Milani hana.milani at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 8 11:09:27 CDT 2013

Dear Jeff,

I have compiled siesta with no problem. It is the Gen-Basis in the Utils that is making a mess for me.
The mpif90 is working fine executing the code.


 From: Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com>
To: discuss at mpich.org 
Cc: Hana Milani <hana.milani at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2013 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] "undefined references"

I built Siesta against MPICH a week or two ago, albeit on BGQ
(https://wiki.alcf.anl.gov/parts/index.php/SIESTA), and had no issues.

What is the result of "mpif90 -show"?  I wonder if you are mixing MPI
builds or otherwise have a problem with your F90 configuration.


On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> This doesn't look like an MPI error.  Did you contact the authors of
> whatever package you are trying to compile?
>  -- Pavan
> On 07/08/2013 08:25 AM, Hana Milani wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have compiled a
 code (siesta) by mpich2, blacs, lapack, blas and
>> scalapack. It works fine under grid computation. But when I want to
>> "make" a utility, I receive the following errors:
>> [Home at localhost Gen-basis]$ make
>> /usr/local/bin/mpif90          -o gen-basis \
>>          alloc.o basis_types.o precision.o recipes.o parallel.o
>> parsing.o xcmod.o basis_io.o  chemical.o atm_transfer.o atm_types.o
>> atmparams.o old_atmfuncs.o radial.o io.o paste.o  flib_spline.o
>> bessph.o  m_filter.o basis_specs.o atom.o memoryinfo.o memory.o
>> periodic_table.o pseudopotential.o pxf.o dot.o xc.o  atom_options.o
>> arw.o sys.o timer.o  xml.o m_walltime.o gen-basis.o nag.o libfdf.a
>> /home/Home/Packages/BLACS/LIB/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a
>> /home/Home/Packages/BLACS/LIB/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a
>> /home/Home/Packages/BLACS/LIB/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a
>> /home/Home/Packages/lapack-3.4.2/liblapack.a
>> /home/Home/Packages/BLAS/blas_LINUX.a
>> alloc.o: In function `print_report':
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:1705:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__r8_s_MOD_mpi_reduce_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:1707:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__r8_v_MOD_mpi_reduce_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:1711:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__integer_s_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__r8_s_MOD_mpi_recv_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:1718:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__r8_s_MOD_mpi_send_t'
>> alloc.o: In function `__alloc_MOD_alloc_report':
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:318:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__integer_s_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:319:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__integer_s_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/alloc.F90:320:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__character_s_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> xcmod.o: In function `__xcmod_MOD_setxc':
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__integer_s_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/xcmod.F:138:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__character_v_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/xcmod.F:140:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__character_v_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/xcmod.F:142:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__r8_v_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/xcmod.F:144:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__r8_v_MOD_mpi_bcast_t'
>> memory.o: In function `printmemory_':
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__integer_s_MOD_mpi_allreduce_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/memory.F:167:
>> undefined reference to `__mpi__integer_sv_MOD_mpi_gather_t'
>> timer.o: In function `timer1_':
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/timer.F:117:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__r8_s_MOD_mpi_allreduce_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/timer.F:164:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__r8_v_MOD_mpi_reduce_t'
>> /home/Home/Packages/siesta-TEST-3.2/Util/Gen-basis/../../Src/timer.F:139:
>> undefined
>> reference to `__mpi__r8_v_MOD_mpi_reduce_t'
>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>> make: *** [gen-basis] Error 1
 I will be really grateful if you kindly help me to solve this problem.
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> --
> Pavan Balaji
> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~balaji
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> discuss mailing list    discuss at mpich.org
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Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
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