[mpich-discuss] Problem in the step of "make"

Eric A. Borisch eborisch at ieee.org
Fri Mar 22 15:35:14 CDT 2013

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 2:48 PM, yuanp <peng.yuan at student.ecp.fr> wrote:

> Yeah, I thought it was successful and did a make install and setted the
> PATH. But when I ran some tests I met some problems and I thought it was
> due to the step make.
> I copied the code from my terminal
> dhcp-27-100:mpich-install holmes_conan$ ssh othermachine date
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname othermachine: nodename nor servname
> provided, or not known
> dhcp-27-100:mpich-install holmes_conan$ rsh othermachine date
> rcmd: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

This *looks* like examples of testing connectivity: 'ssh othermachine date'
should try to execute 'date' on the machine named 'othermachine'; you
likely need to replace othermachine with the name of the other machine
you're connecting to; or localhost if you're just using one machine (ie
testing that sshd is running & accepting connections, likely trying to make
sure it's working passwordless.)

The two commands above and their responses have nothing to do with mpich's
installation state.

 -- Eric
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