[mpich-discuss] Failed to allocate memory for an unexpected message

Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior lcjunior at ufrj.br
Thu Jan 16 12:47:53 CST 2014

Yes, I am comparing original x new implementation.

The original implementation is as follows.

      subroutine my_receiver_original
c     ------------------------------------------------------------------

c     Local
c     -----
      integer*4 m_stat(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
      character card*(zbuf)      ! buffer for messages received

      do while( keep_receiving )
        call MPI_RECV(card, zbuf, MPI_CHARACTER,
     .                MPI_ANY_SOURCE, M_RECCSV, MY_COMM,
     .                m_stat, m_ierr )

c       Process message: disk IO
c       ---------------
        <DO SOMETHING>
        if( SOMETHING_ELSE ) then
          keep_receiving = .false.
        end if
      end do




On 16 January 2014 16:19, Balaji, Pavan <balaji at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior <
> lcjunior at ufrj.br> wrote:
> > No, these failures don't occur all the time. I have a successful run
> (with my original implementation) which I am using as the base case for
> comparison.
> What are the two cases you are comparing?  Original implementation vs. new
> implementation?  What’s the original implementation?
>   — Pavan
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