[mpich-discuss] Running mpich without mpiexec

Kenneth Raffenetti raffenet at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 26 10:18:06 CDT 2016

Hi Dmitriy,

mpiexec is still needed for this type of operation with MPICH today. 
This ticket has some of the previous discussion about singleton init and 
spawn, but there hasn't been much demand for the feature. 


On 04/21/2016 12:18 AM, Dmitriy Lyubimov wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess i need to be asking more specific questions.
> I saw the same issue has been raised a few years ago and apparently
> there was no solution for it back then, so i thought i'd check again.
> The question is about bypassing mpiexec and trying to connect already
> running processes (which already have some data in memory to share with
> mpi tasks) into a single communicator without having to spawn yet
> another process with mpiexec.
> Suppose one of this processes uses MPI_Comm_accept, and the other
> somehow know the mpi port name and would use MPI_Comm_connect() to
> connect to it.
> Everything works as long as both server and client started with mpiexec
> -n 1. However, without mpiexec, the same attempts cause errors and
> connection never happens:
> mpiexec at Intel-Kubu] match_arg (utils/args/args.c:159): unrecognized
> argument pmi_args
> [mpiexec at Intel-Kubu] HYDU_parse_array (utils/args/args.c:174): argument
> matching returned error
> [mpiexec at Intel-Kubu] parse_args (ui/mpich/utils.c:1596): error parsing
> input array
> [mpiexec at Intel-Kubu] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters (ui/mpich/utils.c:1648):
> unable to parse user arguments
> [mpiexec at Intel-Kubu] main (ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:153): error parsing parameters
> So, there's no way of working around the necessity to spawn an entirely
> new process with mpiexec?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> -Dmitriy
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