[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 installation

Ali Radhi ali.radhi at mail.utoronto.ca
Wed Mar 2 08:15:03 CST 2016


I have been trying to install MPICH2 for LAMMPS mpi for two days now. I am in need of help please. First, they said be careful of choosing 32 bit or 64 bit in the download page, which I do not see anywhere. Also, when I attempt to run it with windows version, it says that mpich2mpi.dll is not found. Last bu not least, when I try to use a linux interface on windows to do the configure option, it said no c compiler found. I have MinGW installed too. I am at my wits here. Please let me know if you can assist me.


Ali Radhi

Advanced Research Lab for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures (ARL-MLS)

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering | University of Toronto

Room: MB110, Lassonde Mining Building,
170 College Street, Toronto, ON, Canada. M5S 3E3

From: Ali Radhi
Sent: 02 March 2016 14:11
To: discuss at mpich.org
Subject: MPICH2 installation


I have been trying to install MPICH2 for LAMMPS mpi for two days now. I am in need of help please. First, they said be careful of choosing 32 bit or 64 bit in the download page, which I do not see anywhere. Also, when I attempt to run it with windows version, it says that mpich2mpi.dll is not found. Last bu not least, when I try to use a linux interface on windows to do the configure option, it said no c compiler found. I have MinGW installed too. I am at my wits here. Please let me know if you can assist me.


Ali Radhi

Advanced Research Lab for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures (ARL-MLS)

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering | University of Toronto

Room: MB110, Lassonde Mining Building,
170 College Street, Toronto, ON, Canada. M5S 3E3
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