[mpich-discuss] Errors building MPICH on Windows 10 Ubuntu subsystem

Rob Latham robl at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 11 12:22:56 CDT 2016

On 10/11/2016 10:05 AM, Kenneth Raffenetti wrote:
> On 10/11/2016 09:45 AM, Damian Rouson wrote:
>>> > Also, if you have Ubuntu, can you simply apt-get install mpich?
>> On this system, apt-get installs GCC 4.8.  My goal is to support users
>> of OpenCoarrays, which requires at least GCC 5.1.0 and preferably GCC
>> 6.1.0.  Is there a Debian dpkg file that I could use to install MPICH?
> Yes, try 'apt-get install mpich'.

I think he's saying "apt-get install mpich" brings in gcc-4.8 as a 

Perhaps "apt-get source mpich" or maybe with the "-b" flag for 
bulid-dependencies, then re-building the debian package will get you 
what you need?

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